
Creator: railscoderz

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This is a static website builder with the following features:

Works out of the box.
Capable for blogs and websites with arbitrary content structure.
Uses markdown page
sources and Jinja2 templates.
Includes neat and responsive default theme based on Twitter
Bootstrap 3.
Provides optional JavaScript, CSS and HTML minification.
Can generate sitemap.xml,
humans.txt, and atom feed for blog posts.
Supports LESS stylesheets.
Local host site preview.
Code hightlighting based on Google Code
Supports Disqus comments and Google Analytics.

The latest stable version could be installed from PyPI:
pip install publicstatic
Use this command to install latest development version directly from
pip install -e git+git://
Default website configuration uses Yahoo’s yuicompressor for CSS and
JavaScript minification. To use this tool Java
runtime should be

Basic usage
The following command creates a new website source in the current
pub init
Use the following commands to add posts or pages:
pub post "Good news everyone!"
pub page "True story"
With default configuration this commands will create a new post supposed
to be located at, and a
After adding some content the website should be built.
pub build
This command will generate HTML pages using text content and template
files. Build output will also include CSS files and any other assets
included to the website source. Generated website could be previewed
right on the local host:
pub run -b
-b option tells public-static to open site root page using the
default browser.
The last operation is to deploy generated web content to the destination
pub deploy
This command suppose to use external tool like rsync or aws to
synchronize local web content directory to the remote one. The actual
command should be predefined in the configuration file as deploy_cmd
parameter value. See some examples on
Use --help for detailed command line arguments description.

Page file format
Each page is a plain text/markdown file complemented with the optional
metadata in the header. The format is pretty straightforward. Here is an
title: Hello World!
updated: 2012-06-05 13:49:38
template: default
custom-field: Custom field value

# Hello world!

This is the main page contents section.
Some details:

All header fields are optional. The whole header could be omitted if
you lazy enough.
Both created and updated field values should comply the
default format which is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
template value is to be transformed to [tpl_path]\[name].html
file name where tpl_path is defined by configuration and name
is what specified in the page header.
All header fields are accessible from template body by name. E.g.
{{title}} will be replaced by the actual title if it’s specified.
Any number of custom header fields could be added.
Custom field names should consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes
and underscores. All names are case-sensitive.
Page header fields could have single-line values only.
Everything beneath the key-value header definition is to be treated
as page content. Template name for this section is {{ content }}.

Public-static configuration resides in a yaml-formatted file
pub.conf in the root of each website directory. init comand
generates this file with default parameter values and a brief comment
for each of them. Configuration supposed to be updated after site
creation to fit user requirements like site structure, deployment
destination, etc.

Content migration
There is a great tool to export Wordpress data to
public-static-compatible files:


pub command is not available after installation.

If pyenv is used for Python version
management, run pyenv rehash after calling pip install.

pip fails to install package dependencies on Windows, saying “The
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another

There are two possible solutions. 1. This behavior is specific to 64-bit
version of Python. So try to replace it with x86 one. 2. If you still
need 64-bit version of Python, try to install the problematic package
manually (e.g. ‘pip install markdown’), and then repeat ‘pip install
publicstatic’ command.

Copyright © 2013 by Alex Musayev. License:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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