pubnub-python-tools 1.1.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pubnubpythontools 1.1.4


Quickly interact with PubNub using the Python SDK.

For MacOS use homebrew to install packages or the following PubNub Ansible Role Python SDK that sets everything for you.



To install pubnub-python-tools:
Install using pip
Install from Pypi:
pip install pubnub-python-tools

To install the testing version
python -m pip install -i pubnub-python-tools

Testing version might be outdated or unstable.

Automatic build and install

It is recommended to setup a virtual environment.

To install locally the latest git version:
git clone
chmod +x ./scripts/

Manually build and install
Setup a new python virtual environment and install packages in requirements_build.txt:
python -m venv build_venv
source build_venv/bin/activate
(build_venv) $ pip install -r build_requirements.txt
(build_venv) $ hatch build
(build_venv) $ pip install dist/pubnub_python_tools-${VERSION}.tar.gz

Install into a Jupyter Notebook
To install the into the Jupyter Notebook kernel:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install -U pubnub
!{sys.executable} -m pip install -U --index-url --no-deps pubnub-python-tools

PubNub Auth Settings

Always set the UUID (USER_ID) to uniquely identify the user or device that connects to PubNub. This UUID should be persisted, and should remain unchanged for the lifetime of the user or the device. Not setting the UUID can significantly impact your billing.

To run pubnub commands you need to setup your PubNub credentials using any of the following ways:
Run the script with your PubNub subscribe key, publish key and user_id:

Using an .env file

Requires python-dotenv. Install using: pip install python-dotenv

If you can't see your .env file try using: ls -la

Create an .env file to avoid typing your credentials each time.
Copy the env file sample env file into your own .env (watch the dot '.') file and replace with your PubNub keys.
$ cp env .env

A minimal .env file to work properly needs at least your PubNub's subscribe key, publish key and a chosen user id:
$ cat .env


Manually via CLI

This has the highest precedence

Manually set cli variables before each command:

CLI Args:

-sk, --subscribe-key - PubNub subscribe key.
-pk, --publish-key - PubNub publish key.
-u, --user-id - User ID (UUID).

Overriding Global variables

This has the lowest precedence

NOTE: It is not recommended to hard-code your credentials due to security purposes.
Override the global variables manually in file pubnub_python_tools/config/
SUBSCRIBE_KEY = "pub-xxx-xxx"
PUBLISH_KEY = "sub-xxx-xxx"

Sample Use

Run PubNub using the script:
$ python ./scripts/ -s "Space01" -p "Space01" -m "Hello from MySpace01"

Or if installed, run PubNub using the command: pubnub-python-tools.
$ pubnub-python-tools -s "Space01" -p "Space01" -m "Hello from MySpace01"

Get help using the --help flag.
$ python ./scripts/ --help
$ pubnub-python-tools --help

Usage Examples

Remember to always set up your UUID USER_ID with -u.

Subscribe to a channel forever.
python -s "Space"

Publish one message to a space.
python-pubnub-tools -p "Space" -m "payload"

Publish multiple messages to a space.
python-pubnub-tools -p "Space" -mm "payload1" "payload2" "payloadN"

Publish one message to multiple spaces.
python-pubnub-tools -p "SpaceA" "SpaceB" "SpaceN" -m "payload"

Publish multiple messages to multiple spaces.
python-pubnub-tools -pm "SpaceA" "SpaceB", "SpaceN" -mm "payload1" "payload2" "payloadN"

For some reason the pubnub python sdk fails to publish when instantiated without a subscribe key, so pass it to avoid issues.

Subscribe to a channel with Presence forever.
pubnub-python-tools -s "Space" -pres

Call Here Now on a channel.
pubnub-python-tools -here "Space"

For advanced HereNow topics see: cache busting information. NOTE: TBD SOON
Send a leave event to a channel subscribed with Presence.
python -us "Space"

CLI Commands Reference
From pubnub-python-tools --help:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--stop-on-fail Stop batch operations if something goes wrong.
--version Current pubnub-python-tools Version
-a ASYNC_CMD, --async-cmd ASYNC_CMD
Run command asynchronously using Asyncio
-dm DEV_MAN, --dev-man DEV_MAN
Attach a Device Manager to file
-here HERE_NOW, --here-now HERE_NOW
Here now on a Channel
-m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
Message to publish
Messages to publish
-p PUBLISH, --publish PUBLISH
Publish a message to a Channel
-pk PUBLISH_KEY, --publish-key PUBLISH_KEY
PubNub PublishKey
Publish to multiple Channels
-pres, --presence Subscribe with Presence
-regex REGEX_ACL, --regex-acl REGEX_ACL Replace regex pattern into a PubNub regex
Subscribe to a Channel
-sk SUBSCRIBE_KEY, --subscribe-key SUBSCRIBE_KEY
PubNub SubscribeKey
-u UUID, --uuid UUID PubNub UUID

Use Cases

Subscribe and Publish
Because subscribe and publish happen so fast the subscribe might not be listening when the publish was made and thus it will not be shown, but it will be published, if other devices are listening, they will reflect the changes. This is classic pub/sub behavior.
Open one terminal and run:
(venv) $ python -s "Space" -p "Space" -m "payload 1"

Open another terminal and run that command modified to show that the user is still subscribed the channel:
(venv) $ python -s "Space" -p "Space" -m "payload 2"

Dig into the logger/main_log.log to see more information.

Unit Tests
To all run tests use unittest:
(venv) $ python -m unittest tests/test_*

Ran 20 tests in 30.680s


(venv) $ python -m coverage run -m unittest discover
(venv) $ python -m coverage report -i

Name Stmts Miss Cover
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 74 16 78%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 46 35 24%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 16 0 100%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 29 20 31%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 45 9 80%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 133 73 45%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 89 33 63%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 48 11 77%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 3 0 100%
src/pubnub_python_tools/app/ 15 11 27%
src/pubnub_python_tools/cli/ 18 0 100%
src/pubnub_python_tools/config/ 20 3 85%
src/pubnub_python_tools/logger/ 32 9 72%
tests/ 4 0 100%
tests/ 67 0 100%
tests/ 9 0 100%
tests/ 79 0 100%
tests/ 102 10 90%
tests/ 15 0 100%
tests/ 32 0 100%
TOTAL 876 230 74%

6 empty files skipped.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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