pullover 1.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pullover 1.1.1

The simplest Pushover API wrapper for Python.


No extraneous requests - just sends non-emergency messages quickly and without fuss
Aims to get the basics right, and be open to extension for more advanced use cases
Timeouts and automatic back-off should Pushover be experiencing issues
Intuitive command-line interface with sane, parseable output
Unit and integration tested
Signed PyPi releases

Pullover does not support:

Anything other than sending messages
Sending messages to a subset of a user’s devices
Emergency messages
Customising the notification sound

If you need one of these, I’d recommend using Karan Lyons’s Chump wrapper.

$ pip install pullover

The following code snippets demonstrate the main features of pullover. For an exhaustive guide, see the documentation.

import pullover

response = pullover.send('message', 'user key', 'app token')
if response.ok:
print(response.id) # 647d2300-702c-4b38-8b2f-d56326ae460b

from pullover import Application, User, Message, ClientSendError, \

aws = Application('app token')
george = User('user key')
message = Message('message', title='hello')
response = message.send(aws, george)
print(response.id) # 647d2300-702c-4b38-8b2f-d56326ae460b
except ClientSendError as e:
# it was our fault
print(e.status, e.errors)
except ServerSendError:
# Pushover is having issues

The CLI supports the same functionality as the library.
$ pullover -a <app_token> -u <user_key> hello!
$ export PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN=token
$ export PUSHOVER_USER_KEY=key
$ pullover hello!
$ pullover --help
usage: pullover [-h] [-V] [-v] -a APP -u USER [-p PRIORITY] [-t TITLE]
[--timestamp TIMESTAMP] [--url URL] [--url-title URL_TITLE]

The simplest Pushover API wrapper for Python.

positional arguments:
message the message content to send

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbosity increase output verbosity
-a APP, --app APP the application token to send from; defaults to
-u USER, --user USER the user key to send to; defaults to PUSHOVER_USER_KEY
-p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY
the priority of the message, either an integer or
string (e.g. '0' or 'normal')
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
the title of the message; defaults to the name of the
sending application
--timestamp TIMESTAMP
the timestamp of the message, in ISO 8601 format;
defaults to now
--url URL a url to include in footer of the message
--url-title URL_TITLE
the URL title; requires --url


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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