pulse-eco 2.3.2

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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pulseeco 2.3.2


pulse.eco client for Python.
Requires Python version 3.8+.
The pulse-eco package comes with no base dependencies, everything is an extra. A sensible default is:
python -m pip install pulse-eco[client,httpx]

List of extras

client - includes Pydantic, used for the higher level validated client (pulseeco.client).
requests - includes requests HTTP client with sync support.
aiohttp - includes aiohttp HTTP client with async support.
httpx - includes HTTPX HTTP client with both sync and async support.

API Reference and User Guide for this package is available on GitHub Pages.
Official pulse.eco REST API documentation can be found on pulse.eco/restapi.
Requesting data with a larger time range
The pulse.eco API limits the maximum time span of data you can get from one request.
For /dataRaw it is one week, while for /avgData it is one year.
If the time range is larger than the maximum, the pulse-eco Python client performs multiple requests to the API and then joins the data together. Be aware of this.
Install Hatch
Create dev environment
Activate a Python 3.8 environment and run:
hatch env create dev

To delete the environment, run:
hatch env remove dev

Install pre-commit hooks
hatch run dev:setup

Create .env file
Set auth credentials in .env file:
cp .env.example .env

Before committing
This command must pass without errors before committing:
hatch run dev:check

To preview the docs locally, run:
hatch run dev:docs-serve


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