pupyl 0.14.7

Creator: railscoder56

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pupyl 0.14.7

pupyl - A Python Image Search Library

Table of contents

๐Ÿงฟ pupyl what?
๐ŸŽ‰ Getting started

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

๐Ÿšธ Usage

๐Ÿš Command line interface

๐Ÿ“Œ Dependencies
๐Ÿ“ Documentation
๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Citation

๐Ÿงฟ pupyl what?
The pupyl project (pronounced pyooยทpiel) is a pythonic library to perform image search tasks (even over animated GIFs). It's intended to make easy reading, indexing, retrieving and maintaining a complete reverse image search engine. You can use it in your own data pipelines, web projects and wherever you find fit!
๐ŸŽ‰ Getting started
๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation
Installing pupyl on your environment is pretty easy:
# pypi
pip install pupyl

# anaconda
conda install -c policratus pupyl

For installation troubleshooting, visit troubleshooting.
๐Ÿšธ Usage
You can call pupyl's objects directly from your application code. For this example, a sample database will be indexed and after that, the following image will be used as a query image (credits: @dlanor_s):

pupyl also supports using animated gifs as query images and can store and retrieve it too.
from pupyl.search import PupylImageSearch
from pupyl.web import interface

SEARCH = PupylImageSearch()


# Using, for instance, a remote image. Local images have pretty faster results.
QUERY_IMAGE = 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1520763185298-1b434c919102?w=224&q=70'


Disclaimer: the example above creates pupyl assets on your temporary directory. To define a non-volatile database, you should define data_dir parameter.
This will return:
# Here's the simplest possible result
> [486, 12, 203, 176]

With more information and returning image metadata from the results:
# The results with image metadata
[*SEARCH.search(QUERY_IMAGE, return_metadata=True)]

Now an excerpt of the (possible) return is:
"id": 486,
"internal_path": "/tmp/pupyl/0/486.gif",
"original_access_time": "2021-12-03T13:23:47",
"original_file_name": "icegif-5690.gif",
"original_file_size": "261K",
"original_path": "/tmp/tmp3gdxlwr6"
"id": 12,
"internal_path": "/tmp/pupyl/0/12.gif",
"original_access_time": "2021-12-03T13:23:46",
"original_file_name": "roses.gif",
"original_file_size": "1597K",
"original_path": "/tmp/tmp3gdxlwr6"

To interact visually, use the web interface:
# Opening the web interface

A glimpse of the web interface, visualizing the results shown above:

Alternatively, you can interact with pupyl via command line. The same example above in CLI
๐Ÿš Command line interface
# Indexing images
pupyl --data_dir /path/to/your/data/dir index /path/to/images/

# Opening web interface
pupyl --data_dir /path/to/your/data/dir serve

# Searching using command line interface
pupyl --data_dir /path/to/your/data/dir search /path/to/query/image.ext

๐Ÿ’ก Type pupyl --help to discover all the CLI's capabilities.

๐Ÿ“Œ Dependencies
See all dependencies here: dependencies.
๐Ÿ“ Documentation
See a getting started guide and the API reference on https://pupyl.readthedocs.io/.
๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Citation
If you use pupyl in your publications or projects, please cite:
author = {Nelson Forte de Souza Junior},
title = {pupyl - A Python Image Search Library},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/policratus/pupyl}},
year = {2021}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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