pushfin 0.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pushfin 0.2.1

PushFin=======Setup-----#. Install pushfin: ``pip3 install pushfin``#. Create configuration file at: ``~/.pushfin.yaml``. Take a look at the `example configuration <https://github.com/stv0g/pushfin/blob/master/etc/pushfin.yaml>`_.#. Add pushfin to crontab: ``crontab -e``\ :.. code-block:: 12 * * * * pushfin `Transaction fields for formatting---------------------------------MT940^^^^^Standard transaction data is parsed by the `\ ``mt940`` Python Module <https://github.com/WoLpH/mt940>`_.Common fields are listed below:.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Formatting field - Example value - Description * - ``trx[status]`` - 'D' - 'D' = Debit, 'C' = Credit * - ``trx[funds_code]`` - None * - ``trx[id]`` - 'NMSC' * - ``trx[customer_reference]`` - None * - ``trx[bank_reference]`` - None * - ``trx[extra_details]`` - '' * - ``trx[currency]`` - 'EUR' * - ``trx[date]`` - - Unix Timestamp * - ``trx[entry_date]`` - - Unix Timestamp * - ``trx[transaction_code]`` - '020' * - ``trx[posting_text]`` - 'Überweisung' * - ``trx[prima_nota]`` - '006200' * - ``trx[purpose]`` - 'Kino Tickets' * - ``trx[applicant_bin]`` - 'PBNABSEEFXXX' * - ``trx[applicant_iban]`` - 'DE71235623523523523' * - ``trx[applicant_name]`` - 'Max Mustermann' * - ``trx[return_debit_notes]`` - None * - ``trx[recipient_name]`` - None * - ``trx[additional_purpose]`` - None * - ``trx[gvc_applicant_iban]`` - None * - ``trx[gvc_applicant_bin]`` - None * - ``trx[end_to_end_reference]`` - None * - ``trx[additional_position_reference]`` - None * - ``trx[applicant_creditor_id]`` - None * - ``trx[purpose_code]`` - None * - ``trx[additional_position_date]`` - None * - ``trx[deviate_applicant]`` - None * - ``trx[deviate_recipient]`` - None * - ``trx[FRST_ONE_OFF_RECC]`` - None * - ``trx[old_SEPA_CI]`` - None * - ``trx[old_SEPA_additional_position_reference]`` - None * - ``trx[settlement_tag]`` - None * - ``trx[debitor_identifier]`` - None * - ``trx[compensation_amount]`` - None * - ``trx[original_amount]`` - NoneExtra fields^^^^^^^^^^^^For ease formatting, we extended the standard MT940 fields with the following helpers:.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Formatting field - Example value - Description * - ``trx[date_ts]`` - 1525007188 - A Unix timestamp of the ``date`` field * - ``trx[date_fmt]`` - '2018-04-28' - A formatted date of the ``date`` field * - ``trx[entry_date_ts]`` - 1525007188 - A Unix timestamp of the ``entry_date`` field * - ``trx[entry_date_fmt]`` - '2018-04-28' - A formatted date of the ``entry_date`` field * - ``trx[amout]`` - -20.42 - Just the amount of the transaction (see ``amount``\ ) * - ``trx[dir]`` - 'from'/'to' - * - ``trx[color]`` - '#009933' - * - ``bal[amount]`` - '3.52' - * - ``bal[currency]`` - 'EUR' - Current balance valuta * - ``bal[date]`` - '2018-03-23' - Balance currency * - ``bal[date_fmt]`` - - Date of last valuta


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