pushnotify 0.5.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pushnotify 0.5.1

pushnotify is a package for sending push notifications. It currently
supports Android devices running Notify My Android and Pushover, and iOS
devices running Pushover and Prowl.

https://pushover.net/ and

for more details about these applications.

All development for pushnotify takes place on bitbucket:


You can follow this project on Twitter:


To get started you can do the following:
$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/jgoettsch/py-pushnotify/
$ cd py-pushnotify
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
$ python setup.py develop
If you discover a bug, please create an issue ticket:


To run the test suite, you will have to create three modules:


This file must contain two global variables: API_KEYS and
DEVELOPER_KEY. API_KEYS is a list containing at least one valid API
key as a string. DEVELOPER_KEY is a string containing a valid
developer key.


This file must contain two global variables: API_KEYS and
PROVIDER_KEY. API_KEYS is a list containing at least one valid API
key as a string. PROVIDER_KEY is a string containing a valid
provider key. REG_TOKEN is a valid registration token that has
already been validated through the retrieve_token/retrieve_apikey


This file must contain two global variables: TOKEN and USER.
TOKEN is a string containing a valid API token. USER is a
dictionary whose keys are strings containing valid user identifiers.
The key values are lists containing strings, where each string
contains a valid device identifier for the given API token. There
must be one API token, and it must have one device indentifier.

If you have already downloaded pushnotify, run the following
command inside this directory:
$ python setup.py install
If you have not yet downloaded pushnotify, it would be easier to do
the following:
$ pip install pushnotify
Either method will install pushnotify into your current environment.

For a full history of changes see the commit history:


version 0.5.1

license-change: this and future versions are now licensed under
the GNU GPL v3.
now uses the Requests package instead of urllib2

version 0.5

backwards-incompatible change: each client now conforms to a
standard interface, and can be instantiated with the get_client
factory method

version 0.4

each client now logs HTTP GET and POST operations

version 0.3.1

Prowl.Client.retrieve_token and Prowl.Client.retrieve_apikey now
raise a pushnotify.exceptions.ProviderKeyError if the specified
Provider Key is invalid

version 0.3

added support for Prowl: http://www.prowlapp.com/

version 0.2.1

fixed an issue where developer keys were not being sent with Notify My
Android verifications

version 0.2

added support for Pushover: https://pushover.net/

version 0.1

added support for Notify My Android: https://www.notifymyandroid.com/


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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