puyapy 3.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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puyapy 3.0.3

Algorand Python
Algorand Python is a partial implementation of the Python programming language that runs on the AVM. It includes a statically typed framework for development of Algorand smart contracts and logic signatures, with Pythonic interfaces to underlying AVM functionality that works with standard Python tooling.
Algorand Python is compiled for execution on the AVM by PuyaPy, an optimising compiler that ensures the resulting AVM bytecode execution semantics that match the given Python code. PuyaPy produces output that is directly compatible with AlgoKit typed clients to make deployment and calling easy.
Documentation | Language guide
Recommended method
The easiest way to use Algorand Python is to instantiate a template with AlgoKit via:
algokit init -t python
This will give you a full development environment with intellisense, linting, automatic formatting, breakpoint debugging, deployment and CI/CD.
A sample smart contract will be placed under PROJECT_NAME/projects/PROJECT_NAME/smart_contracts/SMART_CONTRACT_NAME/contract.py (replacing PROJECT_NAME and SMART_CONTRACT_NAME with the values you chose during the template wizard.)
Manual Alternative
Alternatively, if you want to start from scratch you can do the following:

Ensure you have Python 3.12+
Install AlgoKit CLI
Check you can run the compiler:
algokit compile py -h

Install Algorand Python into your project poetry add algorand-python
Create a contract in a (e.g.) contract.py file:
from algopy import ARC4Contract, arc4
class HelloWorldContract(ARC4Contract):
def hello(self, name: arc4.String) -> arc4.String:
return "Hello, " + name


Navigate to your contract and compile it:
algokit compile py contract.py

You should now have HelloWorldContract.approval.teal and HelloWorldContract.clear.teal on the file system!
We generally recommend using ARC-32 and generated typed clients to have the most optimal deployment and consumption experience; to do this you need to ask PuyaPy to output an ARC-32 compatible app spec file:
algokit compile py contract.py --output-arc32 --no-output-teal

You should now have HelloWorldContract.arc32.json, which can be generated into a client e.g. using AlgoKit CLI:
algokit generate client HelloWorldContract.arc32.json --output client.py

From here you can dive into the examples or look at the documentation.

There are many examples in this repo, here are some of the more useful ones that showcase what
is possible.

hello world
hello world (ARC4)
non-ABI calculator
local storage

The compiled output is available under the out/ directory alongside these, e.g. the approval
TEAL for voting is available at examples/voting/out/VotingRoundApp.approval.teal.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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