pwgen-passphrase 1.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pwgenpassphrase 1.2

Secure wordlist-based passphrase generator

Use pwgen-passphrase to generate secure (yet easy to remember) random passphrase from wordlist.
See legendary xkcd: Password Strength comic strip for more details ;-)
Included wordlists are:

diceware (English: 7776 words)
eff-long (English: 7776 words)
eff-short (English: 1296 words)
eff-short2 (English: 1296 words)
bip0039 (English: 2048 words)
skey (English: 2048 words)
cracklib-small (English: 52875 words)
aspell-en (English: 123232 words)
aspell-cs (Czech: 304607 words)


Python 3
Optional: PyQt
(for copying generated passphrase to clipboard)
Optional: regex
(for better regex filtering, e.g. ^[\p{Ll}]+ for Unicode lower-case letters only)

Run pwgen-passphrase --help to see all available options.
[ ~] pwgen-passphrase -w cracklib-small -l 4 -t
correct horse battery staple

Number of words in passphrase: 4
Wordlist length: 52875 words
Passphrase strength (entropy): 62.8 bits

Passphrase length: 28 chars
Length of equivalent case sensitive alphanumeric password: 11 chars
Length of equivalent all ASCII printable characters password: 10 chars

usage: pwgen-passphrase [-h] [-t] [-c] [-s SEPARATOR] [-n COUNT]
[-w {aspell-cs,aspell-en,bip0039,cracklib-small,diceware,eff-long,eff-short,eff-short2,skey} | -f WORDLIST_FILE]
[-l LENGTH | -b BITS] [-L | -U | -C] [--min MIN]
[--max MAX] [-r] [-e REGEX] [--version]

generate secure random passphrase from wordlist

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --stats show statistics about generated passphrase
-c, --clipboard copy generated passphrase to clipboard (needs PyQt)
words separator (default is space)
-n COUNT, --count COUNT
generate multiple passphrases (default is 1)
-w {aspell-cs,aspell-en,bip0039,cracklib-small,diceware,eff-long,eff-short,eff-short2,skey}, --wordlist {aspell-cs,aspell-en,bip0039,cracklib-small,diceware,eff-long,eff-short,eff-short2,skey}
select wordlist (default is eff-long)
path to external wordlist file
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
length of generated passphrase (number of words,
default is 6)
-b BITS, --bits BITS minimal passphrase strength (bits of entropy)
-L, --lower make words lowercase
-U, --upper make words uppercase
-C, --capitalize make words capitalized
--min MIN limit minimum length of word (default is unlimited)
--max MAX limit maximum length of word (default is unlimited)
-r, --transliterate transliterate Unicode characters to ASCII and remove
-e REGEX, --regex REGEX
remove words that do not match regular expression
--version show program's version number and exit


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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