py-service 2.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pyservice 2.0.3

Extremely basic launchctl wrapper for macOS.

macOS 12.x+
Python 3.10.x, 3.11.x

pip install py-service

Usage: service [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Extremely basic launchctl wrapper for macOS.

-c, --config TEXT The configuration file to use
--help Show this message and exit.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
--version Show the version and exit.

disable Disable a service (system domain only).
enable Enable a service (system domain only).
restart Restart a service.
start Start a service.
stop Stop a service.

Services can be referenced by name, file name (with or without ".plist" extension), or the full path to the file. When referenced by name the service will be resolved using the defined reverse domains (see Configuration). Examples of valid service references are:

baz (when reverse domains are defined)

Note: Targeting a macOS system service found in the /System/* path will raise an error and terminate without attempting to modify the service state. These services typically cannot be changed unless SIP is disabled.
Start a service:
$ service start com.gui.xserv
xserv started

Enable and start a service (system domain):
$ sudo service start --enable com.sys.xserv
xserv enabled and started

Stop a service:
$ service stop com.gui.xserv
xserv stopped

Stop and disable a service (system domain):
$ sudo service stop --disable com.sys.xserv
xserv stopped and disabled

Restart a service:
$ service restart com.gui.xserv
xserv restarted

Enable a service (system domain):
$ sudo service enable com.sys.xserv
xserv enabled

Disable a service (system domain):
$ sudo service disable com.sys.xserv
xserv disabled

Reverse domains can be defined in the file ~/.config/service.toml. When a service is referenced by name it will be resolved to a file in the current domain (system/gui) using the defined reverse domains. Services cannot be referenced by their name alone if no reverse domains are defined.
Example configuration:
reverse-domains = [

With this configuration, a service in the gui domain at ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ can be targeted using only its name (xserv):
$ service start xserv
xserv started

service is released under the MIT License


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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