py_archy 1.0.2

Creator: railscoderz

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py archy 1.0.2

# PyArchyImplementation of the popular node-archy tool in python.Draws good looking trees and lists on the command line.[![PyPI](]([![license](]()[The original Archy on NPM]( Installation```pip install py_archy```### Usage```>>> from pyarchy import archy>>>>>> tree = { 'nodes' : [{ 'nodes' : ['a','b','c'], 'label' : 'bar'}, 'bizz'], 'label' : 'foo'}>>>>>> print( archy(tree)) foo ├─┬ bar│ ├── a│ ├── b│ └── c└── bizz >>> print( archy(tree, unicode=False))+-- bar| +-- a | +-- b | `-- c `-- bizz```### CreditsThis package was created with Cookiecutter.


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