py_release_tools 0.1.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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py release tools 0.1.3

This code is licensed under the MIT license.
This is a suite of tools that are useful for releasing Python code for public
or private use. There are setuptools extensions to validate various conventions
and to perform release activities.

Installation and Usage
This package is generally not installed directly but instead listed in the
setup_requires option of the setuptools setup function. For example:
from setuptools import setup

Commands are exported as distuils commands and should be automatically
available provided the package is installed. The tool provides the commands
documented below and are generally run by defining a release alias
in the project’s setup.cfg file. The author’s typical project setup.cfg
contains these aliases:
validate = cover_tests pep8
release = validate increment_semver git_push sdist upload
release_major = validate increment_semver -M git_push sdist upload
release_minor = validate increment_semver -m git_push sdist upload


This command will update the file version number following the
rules of Semantic Versioning (semver). This command will
re-write and commit the project’s file. It assumes that the
version line is formatted as such, with some amount of leading whitespace:
It will rewrite all lines that look like this in the file.
The version format is:
For more information check out the semver docs.
Version generation increments a version component by one. By default a patch
version is generated. Passing the -m or --minor flags to the command
will increment the minor version and set the patch version to zero. Passing
-M or --major will increment the major version and set both the minor
and patch versions to zero.
This command will also create a tag in the git repository of format

This command runs a git push command to push the master branch to the
remote origin. The command will also push tags. If your git repository
doesn’t use these naming conventions the command will fail.

This command will setup python
coverage monitoring and invoke the
setuptools test target. Coverage data will be written to .coverage in
the same directory as the file.
This command will also generate a Cobertura coverage report as coverage.xml
and an HTML report in the htmlcov folder.
Failure of the tests will cause a failure of the build so it is suitable to use
this command as a replacement for the builtin test command. This command
also suppresses the system exit that the builtin test command generates so
other commands can be chained after this one.

This command will run a PEP8
code style validation on all Python files in the project, including the file.

If you would like to contribute to Pydora please visit the project’s
GitHub page and open a pull
request with your changes. To have the best experience contributing, please:

Don’t break backwards compatibility of public interfaces
Write tests for your new feature/bug fix
Ensure that existing tests pass
Update the readme/docstrings, if necessary
Follow the coding style of the current code-base
Ensure that your code is PEP8 compliant
Validate that your changes work with Python 2.7+ and 3.x

All code is reviewed before acceptance and changes may be requested to better
follow the conventions of the existing API.
he build system runs python validate on all supported Python
versions. You can, and should, run this on your pull request before submitting.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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