pyadaptivecards 0.1.1

Creator: railscoderz

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pyadaptivecards 0.1.1

Author adaptive cards in pure python

Adaptive Cards are a great way to extend your bot interactions. However, writing the JSON required to specify the card layout by hand can be cumbersome and error prone. And while using a designer is a good way to manually create cards this does not cover cards that are generated by code. PyAdaptiveCards allows you to author cards in native python without ever touching the underlying json.
A code sample says more then a thousand words so the following code snippet ...
from pyadaptivecards.card import AdaptiveCard
from pyadaptivecards.inputs import Text, Number
from pyadaptivecards.components import TextBlock
from pyadaptivecards.actions import Submit

greeting = TextBlock("Hey hello there! I am a adaptive card")
first_name = Text('first_name', placeholder="First Name")
age = Number('age', placeholder="Age")

submit = Submit(title="Send me!")

card = AdaptiveCard(body=[greeting, first_name, age], actions=[submit])
card_json = card.to_json(pretty=True)

... produces this json ...
"$schema": "",
"actions": [
"title": "Send me!",
"type": "Action.Submit"
"body": [
"text": "Hey hello there! I am a adaptive card",
"type": "TextBlock"
"id": "first_name",
"placeholder": "First name",
"type": "Input.Text"
"id": "age",
"placeholder": "Age",
"type": "Input.Number"
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.1"

... which looks like this in Webex Teams ...

Usage with Webex Teams
Below is an example how to use pyadaptivecards with Webex Teams.
Using raw requests
import requests
import json

from pyadaptivecards.card import AdaptiveCard
from pyadaptivecards.inputs import Text, Number
from pyadaptivecards.components import TextBlock
from pyadaptivecards.actions import Submit

auth_token = "<INSERT_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE>"
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + auth_token

# Create card
greeting = TextBlock("Hey hello there! I am a adaptive card")
first_name = Text('first_name', placeholder="First Name")
age = Number('age', placeholder="Age")

submit = Submit(title="Send me!")

card = AdaptiveCard(body=[greeting, first_name, age], actions=[submit])

# Create attachment
attachment = {
"contentType": "application/",
"content": card.to_dict()

# Create payload for the webrequest
payload = {
"attachments" : [attachment],
"text": "Fallback Text"

response ="", headers=headers, data=payload)

Using the webexteamssdk
The webexteamssdk provides a great wrapper around the Webex Teams API that can be used to interact with the API in native python. The following example shows how to use pyadaptivecards with the newly implemented attachments option.
from pyadaptivecards.card import AdaptiveCard
from pyadaptivecards.inputs import Text, Number
from pyadaptivecards.components import TextBlock
from pyadaptivecards.actions import Submit

from webexteamssdk import WebexTeamsAPI

greeting = TextBlock("Hey hello there! I am a adaptive card")
first_name = Text('first_name', placeholder="First Name")
age = Number('age', placeholder="Age")

submit = Submit(title="Send me!")

card = AdaptiveCard(body=[greeting, first_name, age], actions=[submit])

# Create a webex teams api connection
api = WebexTeamsAPI()
room_id = "<INSERT_ROOM_ID_HERE>"
# Create a dict that will contain the card as well as some meta information
attachment = {
"contentType": "application/",
"content": card.to_dict(),
api.messages.create(roomId=room_id, text="Fallback", attachments=[attachment])


Supports all components, options and features of adaptive cards version 1.1
Create adaptive cards from pure python

You can install PyAdaptiveCards using pip by issuing
$ pip install pyadaptivecards

For more information on how to use this package please check the project documentation at
Authors & Maintainers

Marcel Neidinger

The following resources were influential in the creation of this project:

This package was created with Cookiecutter and a derivative of theaudreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco SampleCode License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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