PyAFBF 0.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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PyAFBF 0.2.0

The Package PyAFBF is intended for the simulation of rough anisotropic image textures. Textures are sampled from a mathematical model called the anisotropic fractional Brownian field. More details can be found on the documentation.

Package features

Simulation of rough anisotropic textures,
Computation of field features (semi-variogram, regularity, anisotropy indices) that can serve as texture attributes,
Random definition of simulated fields,
Extensions to related fields (deformed fields, intrinsic fields, heterogeneous fields, binary patterns).

Installation from sources
The package source can be downloaded from the repository.
The package can be installed through PYPI with

pip install PyAFBF

To install the package in a Google Collab environment, please type

!pip install imgaug==0.2.6
!pip install PyAFBF

Communication to the author
PyAFBF is developed and maintained by Frédéric Richard. For feed-back, contributions, bug reports, contact directly the author, or use the discussion facility.

PyAFBF is under licence GNU GPL, version 3.

When using PyAFBF, please cite the original paper

Biermé, M. Moisan, and F. Richard. A turning-band method for the simulation of anisotropic fractional Brownian field. J. Comput. Graph. Statist., 24(3):885–904, 2015.

and the JOSS paper:


Quick start guide

Getting started
Customed models
Tuning model parameters
Model features
Simulating with turning-band fields

Example gallery

Basic examples
Extended anisotropic fields
Heterogeneous fields
Related anisotropic fields

API: main classes

AFBF (field)
Turning band field (tbfield)

API: auxiliary classes

Periodic functions (perfunction)
Coordinates (coordinates)
Spatial data (sdata)
Process (process)
Turning bands (tbparameters)

PyAFBF is written and maintained by Frederic Richard, Professor at Aix-Marseille University, France.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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