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pyapnsclient 2.0.6
Simple, flexible and fast Apple Push Notifications on iOS, OSX and Safari using the HTTP/2 Push provider API.
Uses the new Apple APNs HTTP/2 protocol with persistent connections
Uses token-based authentication (no need to renew your certificates anymore)
Uses the httpx HTTP client library
Supports the new iOS 10 features such as Collapse IDs, Subtitles and Mutable Notifications
Makes the integration and error handling really simple with auto-retry on APNs errors
Works only with Python 3.6 and higher
Install using pip:
pip install pyapns_client
from pyapns_client import APNSClient, IOSPayloadAlert, IOSPayload, IOSNotification, APNSDeviceException, APNSServerException, APNSProgrammingException, UnregisteredException
client = APNSClient(mode=APNSClient.MODE_DEV, root_cert_path='/path/to/root_cert.pem', auth_key_path='/path/to/auth_key.p8', auth_key_id='AUTHKEY123', team_id='TEAMID1234')
# `root_cert_path` is for the AAACertificateServices root cert (
# with token-based auth you don't need to create / renew your APNS SSL certificates anymore
# you can pass `None` to `root_cert_path` if you have the cert included in your trust store
# httpx uses 'SSL_CERT_FILE' and 'SSL_CERT_DIR' from `os.environ` to find your trust store
device_tokens = ['device_token_1', 'device_token_2']
alert = IOSPayloadAlert(title='Title', subtitle='Subtitle', body='Some message.')
payload = IOSPayload(alert=alert)
notification = IOSNotification(payload=payload, topic='')
for device_token in device_tokens:
client.push(notification=notification, device_token=device_token)
except UnregisteredException as e:
print(f'device is unregistered, compare timestamp {e.timestamp_datetime} and remove from db')
except APNSDeviceException:
print('flag the device as potentially invalid and remove from db after a few tries')
except APNSServerException:
print('try again later')
except APNSProgrammingException:
print('check your code and try again later')
print('everything is ok')
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