pyautoscraper 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pyautoscraper 0.0.2

Author: Jeet Chugh
pyautoscraper is a A lightweight module which automates webscraping and gathering HTML elements within Python 3

Find elements by searching for tags, attributes, classes, id's, and more
Parse through Cloudflare protected sites (NOT CAPTCHA)
Install easily with pip
Lightweight, only uses cloudscraper and BS4

Github Link | PyPi Link | Example Code Link
Quick and Easy Installation via PIP: pip install pyautoscraper
Import Statement: from pyautoscraper.scraper import Scraper
Dependencies: bs4, cloudscraper
Code License: MIT
Documentation is split into 2 sections. First is the 'Part' Class and second is the 'Query' Function.

'Scraper' Class:
The 'Scraper' class takes in an input of a URL as a string, and has many methods that return specific chunks of data.
from pyautoscraper.scraper import Scraper
webscraper = Scraper('URL') # Takes in url string (with https://)
another_scraper = Scraper('Second URL') # Instantiate multiple Scrapers though variables
'Scraper' Methods:
Scraper will raise a URLerror if the request is unsuccessful. Scraper will return None if no elements are found.

Scraper('url').find(tag, **attributes) --> Scraper('URL').find('h1', class_='blog-title')
returns a string containing the first HTML element that matches your parameters. To find classes, use the 'class_' keyword argument.
(<h1 class="blog-title>Title</h1>")

Scraper('url').findAll(tag, **attributes) --> Scraper('URL').findAll('p')
returns a list of strings, containing all the HTML elements that match the parameters.
([<p>first</p>, <p>second</p>, <p>third</p>])

returns a string containing the text content of the HTML, with all tags and attributes stripped.
(h1 text paragraph text span text h5 text im in a div tag)

returns a list of all http/https links in a tags within the HTML code of the page.

returns a list containing strings, which represent the string tags within the HTML code.
Example Dictionary:{'model':'Intel','Core Clock':'3.2Ghz','TDP':'95W','Socket':'LGA1155'}

returns a string containing the first HTML element that matches your IDname.
(<div id="database_div">content</div>)

returns a string containing the first HTML element that matches your className.
(<div class="database_div">content</div>)

returns a list of strings, containing all the HTML comments within the code.
(['<!-- a comment -->','<!-- ANOTHER COMMENT -->'])

Thank you for reading the documentation. If you need an example using all these methods, go to [link]
If you have issues, report them to the github project link.
0.0.1 (10/5/20):

GitHub Commit
Published to PyPi

0.0.2 (10/6/20):

Updated README
Fixed Bug


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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