PyBNG 0.1.8

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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PyBNG 0.1.8


An Ordinance-Survey National Grid coordinates converter

Getting Started
PyBNG is built on top of OSGridConverter and is used to convert coordinates from the Ordnance Survey National Grid system (often called the British National Grid -- BNG) to latitude and longitude using WGS84 (other geodetic reference systems available).
While OSGridConverter can convert BNG to latitude and longitude, it does not support all-numeric grid references, which is the primary feature in this library.
PIP (recommended)
pip install PyBNG

Manual Installation
Simply clone the entire repo and extract the files in the PyBNG folder, then copy all the content to your project folder
Or use one of the shorthand methods below

cd into your project directory
Use sparse-checkout to pull the library files only into your project directory
git init PyBNG
cd PyBNG
git remote add -f origin
git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "PyBNG/*" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull --depth=1 origin master

Import the newly pulled files into your project folder


cd into your project directory
checkout the library files
svn checkout

Import the newly checked out files into your project folder

A PyBNG object can be instantiated as follows:
from PyBNG import PyBNG

bng = PyBNG(easting=519080, northing=185050)

latlon = PyBNG(lat=51.55178424773851, lon= -0.2835125528796557)

The initializer expects easting and northing OR lat and lon parameters, depending on the required conversion


Description: calculates the latitude and logitude based on the given BNG coordinates
Parameters: none (passed to constructor)
Return Value: tuple -- (latitude, longitude)
from PyBNG import PyBNG

bng = PyBNG(easting=519080, northing=185050)
bng.get_latlon() # (51.55178424773851, -0.2835125528796557)


Description: calculates the BNG coordinates given a latitude and a longitude
Parameters: none (passed to constructor)
Return Value: typle -- (easting, northing)
from PyBNG import PyBNG

latlon = PyBNG(lat=51.55178424773851, lon= -0.2835125528796557)
latlon.get_bng() # (519107, 185051)

Please note that converting BNG coordinates to latitude/longitude and back to BNG will yield different results due to internal float rounding
I would like to thank Dr. Lakshmi Babu-Saheer for her unwavering support, encouragement, and advice.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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