pybrid-computing 0.10.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pybridcomputing 0.10.0

pybrid-computing: The python hybrid computing code
pybrid is a code that provides an interface to configure and control analog computers,
in particular the network-enabled LUCIDAC/REDAC analog-digital hybrid computers made by
The abstractions can be used by means of

a fully asyncio library
a framework (users providing callbacks in a clean class structure, however giving
up most of the program flow control) called Read-Eval-Configure-Loop (RECL)
a command line interface using click

This python library provides the reference implementation for the LUCIDAC/REDAC
communication protocol (a simple ASCII yet fully asynchronous RPC message passing protocol
ontop of JSONL) by means of pydantic data type modeling.
In particular, it is the reference implementation of a client communicating with a
LUCIDAC hybrid controller MCU via
USB Serial or TCP/IP.
The code is successfully used on modern day GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and MS Windows.
This code is written and maintained by anabrid GmbH. It is released
as open source (dual licensed as MIT and GPL>=2). It is supposed to be released at Github
Simply run pip install pybrid-computing. There is an explicit dependency to
pybrid-computing-base released and maintained by the same authors, all other dependencies
are widespread and thus relatively standard python packages.
Installation should make a command line executable pybrid available on your shell. You can
explore it by calling pybrid on your shell, which gives you, for instance:
% pybrid redac
Usage: pybrid redac [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Entrypoint for all REDAC commands.

Use :code:`pybrid redac --help` to list all available sub-commands.

-h, --host TEXT Network name or address of the REDAC.
-p, --port INTEGER Network port of the REDAC.
--reset / --no-reset Whether to reset the REDAC after connecting.
[default: reset]
--help Show this message and exit.

display Display the hardware structure of the REDAC.
get-entity-config Get the configuration of an entity.
hack Collects 'hack' commands, for development purposes...
reset Reset the REDAC to initial configuration.
route Route a signal on one cluster from one output of...
run Start a run (computation) and wait until it is...
set-alias Define an alias for a path in an interactive...
set-connection Set one or multiple connections in a U-Block or...
set-daq Configure data acquisition of subsequent run commands.
set-element-config Set one ATTRIBUTE to VALUE of the configuration of...
shell Start an interactive shell and/or execute a REDAC...


You can read the documentation online at

It is generated by the Sphinx documentation which
is part of this repository/package.
Getting started as developer
This project is managed via the poetry dependency
manager for python. It allows for easy dependency installation, etc. You should
make yourself comfortable with poetry (
Note that the code is distributed amongst the pybrid-computing and pybrid-computing-base
repositories. If you enter poetry install while being in one of these repositories with
your shell, you can work on that python package "life". If you want to work on both of
them, go to the pybrid-computing and edit the
path dependencies
in the pyproject.toml, for instance by replacing the line
pybrid-computing-base = "^0, >=0.10.0"

with something as in
pybrid-computing-base = { path = "/path/to/where/you/checked/out/pybrid-computing-base", develop = true } # instead of "^0, >=0.10.0"

After this edit, run poetry install again to update the paths.
Some IDEs such as PyCharm can check this out by their own.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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