pybud-gui 2.1.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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pybudgui 2.1.0

PyBUD: Python Beauty

A python library for creating beautiful GUIs in console, with tons of different components, such as Dialogs, Widgets, Drawables, Drawer, and more!

you can use pip:
pip install pybud-gui -U

or install from github:
pip install git+

Table of Contents:

Getting Started

Build Your First Dialog

Colored Text In Dialogs

Gather inputs from the user

Getting Started
Using pybud-gui you can build dialogs with just a few lines of code, lets get started!
Build Your First Dialog
first import classes:
# import the main dialog class
from pybud.gui.dialog import AutoDialog
# import widgets
from pybud.gui.widgets import WidgetLabel

and build the dialog in just 3 lines of code!
# build the main dialog, set width and background color
d = AutoDialog(width=60, background_color=(90, 90, 250))
# add the main widget, set text, width and position
d.add_widget(WidgetLabel("Hello world!", pos=[0, 1], size=[60, None]))
# show the dialog


Colored Text In Dialogs
first import classes:
# import the main dialog class
from pybud.gui.dialog import AutoDialog
# import widgets
from pybud.gui.widgets import WidgetLabel
# import `ColoredString` (using this class you can define text with color)
from pybud.drawer.ansi import AnsiString as AStr

and build the dialog just like above, but with ColoredString
# build the main dialog, set width and background color
d = AutoDialog(width=60, background_color=(90, 90, 250))
# add a label widget, set text, width and position
# define a ColoredString object that renders text with colors
# you can set both forecolor and backcolor
text=AStr("Hello world!", fore = (90, 250, 90)),
pos=[0, 1],
size=[60, None]
# show the dialog



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