pyconcepticon 3.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pyconcepticon 3.1.0

Tooling to access and curate Concepticon data.

pyconcepticon can be installed from PyPI running
pip install pyconcepticon

Note that pyconcepticon requires a clone or export of the concepticon data repository.
To use pyconcepticon you must have a local copy of the Concepticon data, i.e. either

the sources of a released version, as provided in the Downloads
section of a release, or
a clone of this repository (or your personal fork of it).
or a released version of the data as archived on ZENODO.

Python API
Assuming you have downloaded release 1.2.0
and unpacked the sources to a directory clld-concepticon-data-41d2bf0, you can access
the data as follows:
>>> from pyconcepticon import Concepticon
>>> api = Concepticon('clld-concepticon-data-41d2bf0')
>>> conceptlist = list(api.conceptlists.values())[0]
'Perrin, Loïc-Michel'
>>> conceptlist.tags
>>> len(conceptlist.concepts)
>>> list(conceptlist.concepts.values())[0]
id='Perrin-2010-110-1', number='1', concepticon_id='1906', concepticon_gloss='SOUR', gloss=None,
english='ACID', attributes={'german': 'sauer', 'french': 'acide'},
_api=<pyconcepticon.api.Concepticon object at 0x7f31693be518>,
id='Perrin-2010-110', author='Perrin, Loïc-Michel', year=2010, list_suffix='', items=110,
tags=['annotated'], source_language=['english', 'french', 'german'],
refs=['Perrin2010'], pdf=['Perrin2010'],
note='This list was used as an initial questionnaire for colexification studies on a world-wide sample of languages.',
pages='276f', alias=[], local=False))

Command line interface
Having installed pyconcepticon, you can also directly query concept lists via the terminal command
concepticon. To learn about the functionality it provides run
$ concepticon -h
usage: concepticon [-h] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--repos REPOS]
[--repos-version REPOS_VERSION]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
log level [ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG] (default: 20)
--repos REPOS clone of concepticon/concepticon-data
--repos-version REPOS_VERSION
version of repository data. Requires a git clone!
(default: None)

available commands:
Run "COMAMND -h" to get help for a specific command.

attributes Print all columns in concept lists that contain
surplus information.

To learn about individual subcommands run concepticon COMMAND -h, e.g.
$ concepticon lookup -h
usage: concepticon lookup [-h]
[--format {fancy_grid,fancy_outline,github,grid,html,jira,latex,latex_booktabs,latex_longtable,latex_raw,mediawiki,moinmoin,orgtbl,pipe,plain,presto,pretty,psql,rst,simple,textile,tsv,unsafehtml,youtrack}]
[--similarity SIMILARITY] [--full-search]
[--language LANGUAGE]

Look up the specified glosses in Concepticon.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--format {fancy_grid,fancy_outline,github,grid,html,jira,latex,latex_booktabs,latex_longtable,latex_raw,mediawiki,moinmoin,orgtbl,pipe,plain,presto,pretty,psql,rst,simple,textile,tsv,unsafehtml,youtrack}
Format of tabular output. (default: simple)
--similarity SIMILARITY
specify level of similarity for concept mapping
(default: 5)
--full-search select between approximate search (default) and full
search (default: False)
--language LANGUAGE specify your desired language for mapping (default:

The Python API as well as the CLI can lookup the location of the data from a
cldfcatalog config file, under the key concepticon.
Such a config file (and the repository clone) can be created automatically,
by installing cldfbench and running
cldfbench config.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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