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pycordexti18n 1.0.5
A regular localization Library for pycord.
To install the pycord_ext_i18n, you can just run the following command:
# Windows
pip install pycord_ext_i18n
# Linux/MacOS
python3 -m pip install pycord_ext_i18n
First, You will need to a locale configuration file (*.json) to store your command parameter or string.
A locale configuration file internal structure will be like it:
"command.{command_name}.name": "help", #your command_name name.
"command.{command_name}.description": "help_description", #your command_name description.
"hello": "你好" #this is string.
And, save your locale configuration file to locale folder.
The name is the country code you want! (like Zh-TW, en-US...)
Basic Usage
Usage: Get a text.
from pycord_ext_i18n import I18n
i18n = I18n()
print(i18n.get_text("hello", "zh-TW", None)) #Print: 你好
Usage: Use localize_slash_command to localize your slash command (Remember configuration file).
from discord import ApplicationContext
from discord.ext import commands
from pycord_ext_i18n import I18n
i18n = I18n()
class ExampleCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def test(self, ctx: ApplicationContext):
await ctx.response.send_message(content=f"My command name is {ctx.command.name}!")
def setup(bot):
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