pycov3 2.1.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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pycov3 2.1.0


A package for generating cov3 files which are generated from sam files giving coverage information and a fasta file giving binned contigs. Cov3 files are used as input for the DEMIC R package which calculates PTR, an estimate for bacterial growth rates.
pip install pycov3
pycov3 -h

conda create -n pycov3 -c conda-forge -c bioconda pycov3
conda activate pycov3
pycov3 -h

docker pull ctbushman/pycov3:latest
docker run --rm --name pycov3 pycov3 pycov3 -h

git clone
cd pycov3/
pip install .
pycov3 -h

Use -h to see options for running the CLI.
$ pycov3 -h

The FASTAs should all be in one directory with names of the format {sample}.{bin_name}.fasta/.fa/.fna and the SAMs should also all be in one directory with names of the format {sample}_{bin_name}.sam. The output COV3 files will be written to a directory with names of the format {sample}.{bin_name}.cov3.
You can also use the library in your own code. Create a SAM directory and FASTA directory, set any non-default window or coverage parameters, then create a COV3 directory and use it to generate a COV3 file for each contig set in the FASTA directory.
from pycov3.Directory import Cov3Dir, FastaDir, SamDir

sam_d = SamDir(Path("/path/to/sams/"), False)

window_params = {
"window_size": None,
"window_step": None,
"edge_length": sam_d.calculate_edge_length(),
coverage_params = {
"mapq_cutoff": None,
"mapl_cutoff": None,
"max_mismatch_ratio": None,
window_params = {k: v for k, v in window_params.items() if v is not None}
coverage_params = {k: v for k, v in coverage_params.items() if v is not None}

fasta_d = FastaDir(Path("/path/to/fastas/"), False)

cov3_d = Cov3Dir(

cov3_d.generate(sam_d, fasta_d)

Alternatively, to use the bare application logic and do all the file handling yourself, you can use the Cov3Generator class which takes a list of generators as SAM inputs and a generator as a FASTA input.
from pycov3.Cov3Generator import Cov3Generator
from pycov3.File import Cov3File

cov3_generator = Cov3Generator(

cov3_dict = cov3_generator.generate_cov3()

# Write output
cov3_file = Cov3File(Path(/path/to/output/), "001")

Resource Requirements
Threads: pycov3 uses multiprocessing to parallelize processing of input fastas. Increasing --thread_num up to the number of input fastas should improve runtime, with no benefits beyond that number.
Memory: pycov3 uses generators as much as possible. The main memory users are the Contig objects, which each hold a contig's sequence and information for each Window over its length. There is also a coverages dictionary that could potentially grow to the size of the largest contig (but that is very unlikely). At a minimum, twice the size of the largest contig should be given per thread.
Algorithmic Complexity: Assuming enough threads are provided to have each fasta file processed separately, the time complexity is roughly O(cwsr).
c: Number of contigs in fasta
s: Number of sam files
w: Max number of windows per contig
r: Max number of records per sam file
Please use the Issues on this repo for any problems, questions, or suggestions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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