pycryptotools 0.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pycryptotools 0.2.1

Pycryptotools, Python library for Crypto coins signatures and transactions

This is a fork of Vitalik Buterin's original pybitcointools library.
pip install pycryptotools

Library now supports making and pushing raw transactions for:

Bitcoin mainnet
Bitcoin testnet
Bitcoin Cash mainnet (with replay protection)
Bitcoin Cash testnet (with replay protection)
Litecoin mainnet
Litecoin testnet
Dash mainnet
Dash testnet
Dogecoin mainnet
Bitcoin Gold mainnet (with replay protection)

Transaction broadcast has been tested for all of these.
For the following, local operations such as making and signing transactions are supported but explorer dependant
operations (unspent, pushtx, etc.) are not yet supported.:

Bitcoin Gold testnet

Segregrated Witness transactions also supported for:

Bitcoin mainnet
Bitcoin testnet
Litecoin mainnet
Litecoin testnet

Here are the first mainnet segwit transactions made with this library:
Aim is to provide a simple, class-based API which makes switching between different coins and mainnet and testnet, and adding new coins, all very easy.

Replaceable transactions
Change from explorers to electrumx servers
Correct fee detection algorithm
Extend wallets to make transactions
Read the docs page
E-commerce tools (exchange rates, short-time invoices)
Desktop GUI for easy creation, signing and broadcasting of raw transactions
Multi-crypto wallet GUI


Methods have a simple interface, inputting and outputting in standard formats
Classes for different coins with a common interface
Many functions can be taken out and used individually
Supports binary, hex and base58
Transaction deserialization format almost compatible with BitcoinJS
Electrum and BIP0032 support
Make and publish a transaction all in a single command line instruction with full control
Includes non-bitcoin-specific conversion and JSON utilities


Not a full node, has no idea what blocks are
Relies on centralized explorers for blockchain operations

Example usage - the long way (best way to learn :) ):
WARNING: While it's fun to mess around with this on the testnet, do not do the following procedure on the mainnet
unless you really know what you are doing. Any value in the inputs not included in the ouputs will be lost.
So if the total inputs value is 1 BTC, and the total outputs amount to 0.6 BTC, 0.4 BTC will be given to the
miners as a fee. The faster way, listed later in the README, ensures the difference between
inputs and outputs is sent as change back to the sender (except for a small fee).
If in doubt, before broadcasting a transaction, visit and decode the raw tx
and make sure it looks right. If you aren't familiar with how Bitcoin transactions work, you should run through
this procedure a few times on the testnet before developing for mainnet.
OTHER WARNING: Default fees for Bitcoin mainnet are probably too low throughout this library.
This can cause coins to be lost for a period of time until they are finally confirmed by a miner. Hopefully, some kind
of "correct fee" detection algorithm will be implemented soon but for now it is recommended to think about and set an
appropriate fee when making transactions. There are many different ways of making a transaction. Whichever method you
choose, make sure you understand how to set the correct fee. Here's a link about for information about the current recommended fees:
> from cryptos import *
> c = Bitcoin(testnet=True)
> priv = sha256('a big long brainwallet password')
> priv
> pub = c.privtopub(priv)
> pub
> addr = c.pubtoaddr(pub)
> addr
> inputs = c.unspent(addr)
> inputs
[{'output': '3be10a0aaff108766371fd4f4efeabc5b848c61d4aac60db6001464879f07508:0', 'value': 180000000}, {'output': '51ce9804e1a4fd3067416eb5052b9930fed7fdd9857067b47d935d69f41faa38:0', 'value': 90000000}]
> outs = [{'value': 269845600, 'address': '2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF'}, {'value': 100000, 'address': 'mrvHv6ggk5gFMatuJtBKAzktTU1N3MYdu2'}]
> tx = c.mktx(inputs,outs)
> tx
{'locktime': 0, 'version': 1, 'ins': [{'outpoint': {'hash': '3be10a0aaff108766371fd4f4efeabc5b848c61d4aac60db6001464879f07508', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 180000000, 'script': '483045022100fccd16f619c5f8b8198f5a00f557f6542afaae10b2992733963c5b9c4042544c022041521e7ab2f4b58856e8554c651664af92f6abd58328c41bc652aea460a9a6a30141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}, {'outpoint': {'hash': '51ce9804e1a4fd3067416eb5052b9930fed7fdd9857067b47d935d69f41faa38', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 90000000, 'script': '483045022100a9f056be75da4167c2cae9f037e04f6efd20caf97e05052406c127d72e7f236c02206638c10ad6975b44c26633e7c40547405dd4e6184fa3afd0ec98260369fadb0d0141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}], 'outs': [{'script': 'a914a9974100aeee974a20cda9a2f545704a0ab54fdc87', 'value': 269845600}, {'script': '76a9147d13547544ecc1f28eda0c0766ef4eb214de104588ac', 'value': 100000}]}
> tx2 = c.sign(tx,0,priv)
> tx2
{'locktime': 0, 'version': 1, 'ins': [{'outpoint': {'hash': '3be10a0aaff108766371fd4f4efeabc5b848c61d4aac60db6001464879f07508', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 180000000, 'script': '483045022100fccd16f619c5f8b8198f5a00f557f6542afaae10b2992733963c5b9c4042544c022041521e7ab2f4b58856e8554c651664af92f6abd58328c41bc652aea460a9a6a30141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}, {'outpoint': {'hash': '51ce9804e1a4fd3067416eb5052b9930fed7fdd9857067b47d935d69f41faa38', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 90000000, 'script': '483045022100a9f056be75da4167c2cae9f037e04f6efd20caf97e05052406c127d72e7f236c02206638c10ad6975b44c26633e7c40547405dd4e6184fa3afd0ec98260369fadb0d0141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}], 'outs': [{'script': 'a914a9974100aeee974a20cda9a2f545704a0ab54fdc87', 'value': 269845600}, {'script': '76a9147d13547544ecc1f28eda0c0766ef4eb214de104588ac', 'value': 100000}]}
> tx3 = c.sign(tx2,1,priv)
> tx3
{'locktime': 0, 'version': 1, 'ins': [{'outpoint': {'hash': '3be10a0aaff108766371fd4f4efeabc5b848c61d4aac60db6001464879f07508', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 180000000, 'script': '483045022100fccd16f619c5f8b8198f5a00f557f6542afaae10b2992733963c5b9c4042544c022041521e7ab2f4b58856e8554c651664af92f6abd58328c41bc652aea460a9a6a30141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}, {'outpoint': {'hash': '51ce9804e1a4fd3067416eb5052b9930fed7fdd9857067b47d935d69f41faa38', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 90000000, 'script': '483045022100a9f056be75da4167c2cae9f037e04f6efd20caf97e05052406c127d72e7f236c02206638c10ad6975b44c26633e7c40547405dd4e6184fa3afd0ec98260369fadb0d0141041f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc724ab2737afd66e4aacdc0e4f48550cd783c1a73edb3dbd0750e1bd0cb03764f', 'sequence': 4294967295}], 'outs': [{'script': 'a914a9974100aeee974a20cda9a2f545704a0ab54fdc87', 'value': 269845600}, {'script': '76a9147d13547544ecc1f28eda0c0766ef4eb214de104588ac', 'value': 100000}]}
> tx4 = c.serialize(tx)
> tx4
> c.pushtx(tx4)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'network': 'BTCTEST', 'txid': '00af7b794355aa4ea5851a792713934b524b820cf7f20e2a0e01ab61910b5299'}}

Faster way
To send 12 DASH from addr belonging to privkey 89d8d898b95addf569b458fbbd25620e9c9b19c9f730d5d60102abbabcb72678
to address yd8Q7MwTDe9yJdeMx1YSSYS4wdxQ2HDqTg, with change returned to the sender address:
> from cryptos import *
> dash = Dash(testnet=True)
> dash.send("89d8d898b95addf569b458fbbd25620e9c9b19c9f730d5d60102abbabcb72678", "yd8Q7MwTDe9yJdeMx1YSSYS4wdxQ2HDqTg", 1200000000)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'txid': '6a510a129bf1e229e99c3eede516d3bde8bdccf859199937a98eaab2ce1cd7ab', 'network': 'DASHTEST'}}

Or if you prefer to verify the tx (for example, with Blockcypher) you can break it into two steps:
> from cryptos import *
> dash = Dash()
> tx = dash.preparesignedtx(priv, "Xhcmzs5wKECBiWwSEsTZu8wNonguH5poaz", 9800000-20000, fee=20000)
> tx
> dash.pushtx(tx)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'txid': '0d889f6a268340c8fd30cdc6567eb588765e911fdd1fb0aac870dc3125ffde76', 'network': 'DASH'}}

Another example with Bitcoin Cash testnet:
> from cryptos import *
> crypto = BitcoinCash(testnet=True)
> tx = crypto.preparesignedtx("89d8d898b95addf569b458fbbd25620e9c9b19c9f730d5d60102abbabcb72678", "mgRoeWs2CeCEuqQmNfhJjnpX8YvtPACmCX", 967916800)
> tx
> crypto.pushtx(tx)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'txid': 'd8b130183824d0001d3bc669b31e798e2654868a7fda743aaf35d757d89db0eb', 'network': 'tbcc'}}

Segregated Witness - the long way
The same warnings about testnet practice and fees as discussed earlier applies here.
To create a segwit transaction, generate a pay to witness script hash (P2WPKH)
address and mark all the Segwit UTXOs with segwit=True.
> from cryptos import *
> c = Litecoin(testnet=True)
> priv = sha256('a big long brainwallet password')
> priv
> addr = c.privtop2w(priv)
> addr
> inputs = c.unspent(addr)
> inputs
[{'output': '63189d6354b1e7d3a5a16076b0722f84b80b94d5f4958c3697191503cccbe88a:0', 'value': 100000000}]
> inputs[0]['segwit']=True
> inputs
[{'output': '63189d6354b1e7d3a5a16076b0722f84b80b94d5f4958c3697191503cccbe88a:0', 'value': 100000000, 'segwit': True}]
> outs = [{'value': 79956800, 'address': 'mxYcACPJWAMMkXu7S9SM8npicFWehpYCWx'}, {'value': 19989200, 'address': '2Mtj1R5qSfGowwJkJf7CYufFVNk5BRyAYZh'}]
> tx = c.mktx(inputs,outs)
> tx
{'locktime': 0, 'version': 1, 'ins': [{'script': '', 'sequence': 4294967295, 'outpoint': {'hash': '63189d6354b1e7d3a5a16076b0722f84b80b94d5f4958c3697191503cccbe88a', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 100000000, 'segwit': True}], 'outs': [{'script': '76a914baca2979689786ba311edcfc04d9ad95d393679488ac', 'value': 79956800}, {'script': 'a9141039471d8d44f3693cd34d1b9d69fd957799cf3087', 'value': 19989200}], 'marker': 0, 'flag': 1, 'witness': []}
> tx2 = c.sign(tx,0,priv)
> tx2
{'locktime': 0, 'version': 1, 'ins': [{'script': '160014804aff26594cc36c0ac89e95895ab9bdd0c540ef', 'sequence': 4294967295, 'outpoint': {'hash': '63189d6354b1e7d3a5a16076b0722f84b80b94d5f4958c3697191503cccbe88a', 'index': 0}, 'amount': 100000000, 'segwit': True}], 'outs': [{'script': '76a914baca2979689786ba311edcfc04d9ad95d393679488ac', 'value': 79956800}, {'script': 'a9141039471d8d44f3693cd34d1b9d69fd957799cf3087', 'value': 19989200}], 'marker': 0, 'flag': 1, 'witness': [{'number': 2, 'scriptCode': '47304402201632cb84a0aed4934df83fbc3cd2682f920eef37f76aa64d477702dd59633c900220198cfe15c28b26247c8e49974b4fda825ae16441112f13e754322964a9f24ec80121031f763d81010db8ba3026fef4ac3dc1ad7ccc2543148041c61a29e883ee4499dc'}]}
> tx3 = serialize(tx)
> tx3
> c.pushtx(tx3)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'network': 'LTCTEST', 'txid': '51d5be05d0a35ef5a8ff5f43855ea59e8361874aff1039d6cf5d9a1f93ae1042'}}

It's also possible to mix segwit inputs with non-segwit inputs. Only one input needs to be marked as segwit
to create a segwit transaction.
Segregated Witness - Faster Way:
Send 0.23486583 LTC to LPZd11JyAd6fJh5ZBMcmu6qczV14CZnz55 from segwit address 3P1bEPk5v4CUhvX9VqDuxqJGnTutt9czZb,
returning change to LchaMS51XFYmks3fJLAyuSeYSbiyByPLUD:
>from cryptos import *
>l = Litecoin()
l.send("<privkey>", "LNM9Hpc6EFd7SsKkPU6ATLJNdXSNPnNdqs", 23486583, fee=20000, change_addr="LchaMS51XFYmks3fJLAyuSeYSbiyByPLUD", segwit=True)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'network': 'LTC', 'txid': '3b936180daf05adcd7e9f04b60e1ba9a4a6db486c0ad91cb795b29ca46313000'}}

It's also possible to provide the send address in addition to the private key in which case segwit will be
auto-detected, so no need to know in advance if the address is segwit or not:
>from cryptos import *
>c = Bitcoin()
>c.send('<privkey>', '1CBFPfNotcVcWg26WdhfnoDDvZqzuBxKDb', 88036480, addr="3AGe5CkW5CKFAgKpQE82VSWkEjoxfDxMxQ")
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'network': 'LTC', 'txid': 'b16ad0332ca3114f0dc773fda643c49e41308df4204940539bea5806cfee0989'}}

It's also possible to provide the send address in addition to the private key in which case segwit will be
auto-detected, so no need to know in advance if the address is segwit or not:
>from cryptos import *
>c = Bitcoin()
>c.send('<privkey>', '1CBFPfNotcVcWg26WdhfnoDDvZqzuBxKDb', 88036480, addr="3AGe5CkW5CKFAgKpQE82VSWkEjoxfDxMxQ")
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'network': 'LTC', 'txid': 'b16ad0332ca3114f0dc773fda643c49e41308df4204940539bea5806cfee0989'}}

2-of-3 MultiSig Transaction example:
> from cryptos import *
> coin = Bitcoin(testnet=True)
> publickeys = ['02e5c473c051dae31043c335266d0ef89c1daab2f34d885cc7706b267f3269c609', '0391ed6bf1e0842997938ea2706480a7085b8bb253268fd12ea83a68509602b6e0', '0415991434e628402bebcbaa3261864309d2c6fd10c850462b9ef0258832822d35aa26e62e629d2337e3716784ca6c727c73e9600436ded7417d957318dc7a41eb']
> script, address = coin.mk_multsig_address(publickeys, 2)
> script
> address
> tx = coin.preparetx(address, "myLktRdRh3dkK3gnShNj5tZsig6J1oaaJW", 1100000, 50000)
> for i in range(0, len(tx['ins'])):
sig1 = coin.multisign(tx, i, script, "cUdNKzomacP2631fa5Q4yHv2fADc8Ueymr5Z5NUSJjVM13igcVJk")
sig3 = coin.multisign(tx, i, script, "cMrziExc6iMV8vvAML8QX9hGDP8zNhcsKbdS9BqrRa1b4mhKvK6f")
tx = apply_multisignatures(tx, i, script, sig1, sig3)
> tx
> coin.pushtx(tx)
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'txid': 'b64e19311e3aa197063e03657679e2974e04c02c5b651c4e8d55f428490ab75f', 'network': 'BTCTEST'}}

Supported coins
> from cryptos import *
> priv = sha256('a big long brainwallet password')
> b = Bitcoin()
> b.privtoaddr(priv)
> b = Bitcoin(testnet=True)
> b.privtoaddr(priv)
> l = Litecoin()
> l.privtoaddr(priv)
> l = Litecoin(testnet=True)
> l.privtoaddr(priv)
> c = BitcoinCash()
> c.privtoaddr(priv)
> c = BitcoinCash(testnet=True)
> c.privtoaddr(priv)
> d = Dash()
> d.privtoaddr(priv)
> d = Dash(testnet=True)
> d.privtoaddr(priv)
> d = Doge()
> d.privtoaddr(priv)
> bg = BitcinGold()
> bg.privtoaddr(priv)
> bg = BitcoinGold(legacy=True)
> bg.privtoaddr(priv)
> bg = BitcoinGold(testnet=True)
> bg.privtoaddr(priv)

BIP39-BIP44 Standard Wallets:
Aims to be compatible with Good choice for supporting different coins and networks from
the same wallet words. Also compatible with electrum when bip39 option is selected.
> from cryptos import *
> words = entropy_to_words(os.urandom(16))
> words
'practice display use aisle armor salon glue okay sphere rather belt mansion'
> keystore.bip39_is_checksum_valid(words)
(True, True)
> coin = Bitcoin()
> wallet = coin.wallet(words)
> wallet.keystore.root_derivation
> wallet.keystore.xprv #Account Extended Private Key
> wallet.keystore.xpub # Account Extended Public Key
> addr1 = wallet.new_receiving_address()
> addr1
> wallet.privkey(addr1)
> addr2 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr2
> wallet.privkey(addr2)
> addr3 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr3
> priv3 = wallet.privkey(addr3)
> priv3
> assert coin.privtoaddr(priv3) == addr3

Dash example:
> from cryptos import *
> words = 'practice display use aisle armor salon glue okay sphere rather belt mansion'
> coin = Dash()
> wallet = coin.wallet(words)
> wallet.keystore.root_derivation
> wallet.keystore.xprv #Account Extended Private Key
> wallet.keystore.xpub # Account Extended Public Key
> addr1 = wallet.new_receiving_address()
> addr1
> wallet.privkey(addr1)
> addr2 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr2
> wallet.privkey(addr2)
> addr3 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr3
> priv3 = wallet.privkey(addr3)
> priv3
> assert coin.privtoaddr(priv3) == addr3

BIP39-BIP49 Segwit Wallets:
> from cryptos import *
> words = entropy_to_words(os.urandom(20))
> words
'jealous silver churn hedgehog border physical market parent hungry design cage lab drill clay attack'
> keystore.bip39_is_checksum_valid(words)
(True, True)
> coin = Bitcoin()
> wallet = coin.p2wpkh_p2sh_wallet(words)
> wallet.keystore.root_derivation
> wallet.keystore.xprv #Account Extended Private Key
> wallet.keystore.xpub # Account Extended Public Key
> addr1 = wallet.new_receiving_address()
> addr1
> wallet.privkey(addr1)
> addr2 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr2
> wallet.privkey(addr2)
> addr3 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr3
> wallet.privkey(addr3)

BIP39-BIP84 New Segwit Wallets:
> from cryptos import *
> words = 'jealous silver churn hedgehog border physical market parent hungry design cage lab drill clay attack'
> coin = Bitcoin()
> wallet = coin.p2wpkh_wallet(words)
> wallet.keystore.root_derivation
> wallet.keystore.xprv #Account Extended Private Key
> wallet.keystore.xpub # Account Extended Public Key
> addr1 = wallet.new_receiving_address()
> addr1
> wallet.privkey(addr1)
> addr2 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr2
> wallet.privkey(addr2)
> addr3 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr3
> wallet.privkey(addr3)

Electrum wallets
These aim to be compatible with the default Electrum wallet seed style. They do not have different derivation paths for different coins.
No checks have been made against any non-Bitcoin Electum wallet (e.g. Electrum Litecoin, Electron Cash)
At this moment, there is no support generating the seed words Electrum requires (which contains versioning) so seed words need to be copied from Electrum.
Electrum versioning allows for auto-detection of wallet type, .e.g standard or segwit.
> from cryptos import *
> seed_words = 'bitter grass shiver impose acquire brush forget axis eager alone wine silver'
> wallet = Bitcoin().electrum_wallet(seed_words)
> wallet.keystore.xtype
> wallet.keystore.root_derivation
> wallet.keystore.xprv
> wallet.keystore.xpub
> addr1 = wallet.new_receiving_address()
> addr1
> wallet.privkey(addr1)
> addr2 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr2
> wallet.privkey(addr2)
> addr3 = wallet.new_change_address()
> addr3
> wallet.privkey(addr3)

Watch wallets
For security reasons the seed and xprv should ideally be held in cold storage only. If a web application needs to be
able to provide addresses on demand, the solution is to use a watch wallet, generated from the xpub.
For example, let's take the Dash xpub from a previous example:
> from cryptos import *
> coin = Dash()
> xpub = 'xpub6ChohEsxBkvi17xRrtTEPYcyb8dRKLzjQs5Lsc9NHzhmFQARJZFaeuqxtEMHaF4J8MzatWSYrmq2qAc3BaxFiKzEwX1AKQx5uWHZr3y8s82'
> wallet = coin.watch_wallet(xpub)
> wallet.is_watching_only
> wallet.new_receiving_address()
> wallet.new_change_address()

Full list of wallet methods:

wallet -> BIP 39 Standard
watch_wallet -> BIP 39 Standard, watch-only
p2wpkh_p2sh_wallet -> BIP 39 Segwit P2SH addresses, beginning with 3 for Bitcoin mainnet
watch_p2wpkh_p2sh_wallet -> BIP 39 Segwit P2SH addresses, watch-only
p2wpkh_wallet -> BIP 39 New Segwit Addresses, beginning with 'bc' for Bitcoin mainnet
watch_p2wpkh_wallet -> BIP New Segwit Address, watch-only
electrum_wallet -> detects p2kh or p2wpkh based on seed
watch_electrum_wallet -> Watch electrum standard wallet
watch_electrum_p2wpkh_wallet -> Watch electrum new segwit wallet

Old style Electrum words wallet:
> import os
> from cryptos import *
> words = entropy_to_words(os.urandom(16))
> words
'float skirt road remind fire antique vendor select senior latin small glide'
> seed = mnemonic_to_seed(words)
> seed
b'\xb7Z\x9b\x9b\x9c\x1bq\x81\x1b\xdc\x98\x1c\xbc\xb8\xbb\x130\xea,\xda\x14\xeb\x9bF\xafu\x88\xc2\xf9\xfc\x7f\xd0\xb0?\x9d\xf3\xa7$0Tx\xd3\xb7\x82\x87U\xe7\xcc\xdd\x16\xddd\xbf'T\t_\xdc R!x\t'
> electrum_privkey(seed, 0)
> electrum_privkey(seed, 300, 0)
> electrum_privkey(seed, 0, 1) #Change address

The cryptotool command line interface:
cryptotool bip32_master_key 21456t243rhgtucyadh3wgyrcubw3grydfbng

cryptotool bip32_ckd xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT 0

cryptotool bip32_privtopub xprv9s21ZrQH143K2napkeoHT48gWmoJa89KCQj4nqLfdGybyWHP9Z8jvCGzuEDv4ihCyoed7RFPNbc9NxoSF7cAvH9AaNSvepUaeqbSpJZ4rbT

The -s option lets you read arguments from the command line
cryptotool sha256 'some big long brainwallet password' | pybtctool -s privtoaddr | pybtctool -s history
[{'output': u'97f7c7d8ac85e40c255f8a763b6cd9a68f3a94d2e93e8bfa08f977b92e55465e:0', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}, {'output': u'4cc806bb04f730c445c60b3e0f4f44b54769a1c196ca37d8d4002135e4abd171:1', 'value': 50000, 'address': u'1CQLd3bhw4EzaURHbKCwM5YZbUQfA4ReY6'}]
cryptotool random_electrum_seed | pybtctool -s electrum_privkey 0 0

The -b option lets you read binary data as an argument
cryptotool sha256 123 | pybtctool -s changebase 16 256 | pybtctool -b changebase 256 16

The -j option lets you read json from the command line (-J to split a json list into multiple arguments)
cryptotool unspent 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq | pybtctool -j select 200000001 | pybtctool -j mksend 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P:20000 1FxkfJQLJTXpW6QmxGT6oF43ZH959ns8Cq 1000 | pybtctool -s signall 805cd74ca322633372b9bfb857f3be41db0b8de43a3c44353b238c0acff9d523

Fun stuff with json:
cryptotool unspent 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j multiaccess value | pybtctool -j sum

cryptotool unspent 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P | pybtctool -j count

To use the testnet you can add --testnet:
cryptotool unspent 2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF --testnet
[{"output": "209e5caf8997a3caed4dce0399804ad7fa50c70f866bb7118a42c79de1b76efc:1", "value": 120000000}, {"output": "79f38b3e730eea0e44b5a2e645f0979
2d9f8732a823079ba4778110657cbe7b2:0", "value": 100000000}, {"output": "99d88509d5f0e298bdb6883161c64c7f54444519ce28a0ef3d5942ff4ff7a924:0", "value
": 82211600}, {"output": "80acca12cf4b3b562b583f1dc7e43fff936e432a7ed4b16ac3cd10024820d027:0", "value": 192470000}, {"output": "3e5a3fa342c767d524b653aec51f3efe2122644c57340fbf5f79c75d1911ad35:0", "value": 10000000}]

Or the --coin option to use a coin other than bitcoin (bch, btc, dash, doge or ltc)
cryptotool unspent LV3VLesnCi3p3zf26Y86kH2FZxfQq2RjrA --coin ltc
[{"output": "42bfe7376410696e260b2198f484f5df4aa6c744465940f9922ac9f8589670a4:0", "value": 14282660}]

cryptotool unspent myLktRdRh3dkK3gnShNj5tZsig6J1oaaJW --coin ltc --testnet
[{"output": "68f9c662503715a3baf29fe4b07c056b0bf6654dbdd9d5393f4d6a18225d0ff3:0", "value": 16333531}, {"output": "aa40041a1fcdb952d6a38594a27529f890d17d715fd54b6914cd6709fa94ca67:0", "value": 100000000}, {"output": "3b72bae956d27ab0ad309808ab76beaf203109f423e533fd7c40f1201672f598:1", "value": 164712303}]

Make and broadcast a transaction on the Bitcoin Cash testnet:
cryptotool send 89d8d898b95addf569b458fbbd25620e9c9b19c9f730d5d60102abbabcb72678 mgRoeWs2CeCEuqQmNfhJjnpX8YvtPACmCX 999950000 --fee 50000 --coin bch --testnet
{"status": "success", "data": {"txid": "caae4c059ac07827047237560ff44f97c940600f8f0a1e3392f4bcaf91e38c5c", "network": "tbcc"}}

The arguments are the private key of the sender, the receiver's address and the fee (default 10000). Change will be returned to the sender.
Listing of main coin-specific methods:

privtopub : (privkey) -> pubkey
pubtoaddr : (pubkey) -> address
privtoaddr : (privkey) -> address
sign : (txobj, i, privkey) -> create digital signature of tx with privkey and add to input i
signall : (txobj, privkey) -> create digital signature of tx with privkey for all inputs
history : (address) -> tx history and balance of an address
unspent : (address) -> unspent outputs for an addresses
pushtx : (hex or bin tx) -> push a transaction to the blockchain
fetchtx : (txhash) -> fetch a tx from the blockchain
txinputs : (txhash) -> fetch inputs from a previous transaction in a format to be re-used as unspents
send : (privkey, to, value, fee=10000, change_addr=None, segwit=False, addr=None) -> create and a push a simple transaction to send coins to an address and return change to the change address or sender
sendmultitx : (privkey, to:value pairs, fee=10000, change_addr=None, segwit=False, addr=None) -> create and a push a transaction to send coins to multiple addresses and return change to the change address or sender
preparetx : (frm, to, value, fee, change_addr=None, segwit=False): -> create unsigned txobj with change output
preparemultitx : (frm, to:value pairs, fee, change_addr=None, segwit=False): -> create unsigned txobj with multiple outputs and additional change output
preparesignedtx : (privkey, to, value, fee=10000, change_addr=None, segwit=False, addr=None) -> create signed txobj with change output
preparesignedmultitx : (privkey, *args, change_addr=None, segwit=False, addr=None) -> create signed txobj with multiple outputs and additional change output
mktx : (inputs, outputs) -> create unsigned txobj
mksend : (inputs, outputs, change_addr, fee, segwit) -> create unsigned txobj
mk_multisig_address : (pubkeys, M) -> Returns both M-of-N multsig script and address pubkeys
pubtop2w : (pub) -> pay to witness script hash (segwit address)
privtop2w : (priv) -> pay to witness script hash (segwit address)
is_address : (addr) -> true if addr is a valid address for this network
is_p2sh : (addr) -> true if addr is a pay to script hash for this network
is_segwit : (priv, addr) -> true if priv-addr pair represent a pay to witness script hash
current_block_height : () -> Latest block height
block_height : (txhash) -> Block height containing the txhash
inspect : (tx_hex) -> Deserialize a transaction and decode and ins and outs
merkle_prove : (txhash) -> Proves a transaction is valid and returns txhash, merkle siblings and block header.

Listing of main non-coin specific commands:

add : (key1, key2) -> key1 + key2 (works on privkeys or pubkeys)

multiply : (pubkey, privkey) -> returns pubkey * privkey

ecdsa_sign : (message, privkey) -> sig

ecdsa_verify : (message, sig, pubkey) -> True/False

ecdsa_recover : (message, sig) -> pubkey

random_key : () -> privkey

random_electrum_seed : () -> electrum seed

electrum_stretch : (seed) -> secret exponent

electrum_privkey : (seed or secret exponent, i, type) -> privkey

electrum_mpk : (seed or secret exponent) -> master public key

electrum_pubkey : (seed or secexp or mpk) -> pubkey

bip32_master_key : (seed) -> bip32 master key

bip32_ckd : (private or public bip32 key, i) -> child key

bip32_privtopub : (private bip32 key) -> public bip32 key

bip32_extract_key : (private or public bip32_key) -> privkey or pubkey

deserialize : (hex or bin transaction) -> JSON tx

serialize : (JSON tx) -> hex or bin tx

multisign : (txobj, i, script, privkey) -> signature

apply_multisignatures: (txobj, i, script, sigs) -> tx with index i signed with sigs

scriptaddr : (script) -> P2SH address

mk_multisig_script : (pubkeys, M) -> M-of-N multisig script from pubkeys

verify_tx_input : (tx, i, script, sig, pub) -> True/False

tx_hash : (hex or bin tx) -> hash

access : (json list/object, prop) -> desired property of that json object

multiaccess : (json list, prop) -> like access, but mapped across each list element

slice : (json list, start, end) -> given slice of the list

count : (json list) -> number of elements

sum : (json list) -> sum of all values

select : (unspent, value) -> returns list of unspents which are enough to cover the value

Another reminder and useful links
Another reminder, if you are doing something new with the library, whether a regular transaction, multisig,
segwit or a coin you haven't worked with before, try it out in testnet first or alternatively with small amounts
on the mainnet. The original pybitcointools had issues opened in Github where people lost money either due to
not understanding what they were doing or because of bugs.
Here are some links to testnet faucets:
Anyone know a working Dogecoin testnet faucet, or willing to send testnet coins to address
nmfnMVSjfyfiv37HtbphRbLgMPUHQE7QdP so I can test? (Dogecoin mainnet is tested).


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