pydeas 1.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pydeas 1.0.2

Pydeas is a Python library for dealing in an efficent way with information storage.
Use the package manager pip to install Pydeas
pip install pydeas

Get Started
This library is based on pandas and memorize the information in csv files, the database is relational but you can work with multiple folders and files, in this way you can create a dynamic and comprehensible db structure.
from pydeas import PydeasDB

def db() -> None:

main_folder = PydeasDB.Folder('Database') # create the main folder in the current folder

password_file = main_folder.create_file('passwords') # create a 'passwords' file in the main folder

password_file.add_columns(['App', 'Email', 'Username', 'Password']) # add the column to the table of the file

Now we created a "passwords.csv" in the database folder, and configured the file adding columns; we can now start working with Pydeas
Output in ./Database/passwords.csv

Add an element to the table
password_file.add_row(['Github', '', 'Foo', 'Bar']) # add a row to the table of the file

Output in ./Database/passwords.csv


As you can see this library is pretty easy to use and all the methods name are auto-explicative, but you can navigate further in this documentation
A pydeas database can be queryied in 2 different ways:
one resembles the way of doing things in relational databases
(we recommend using this when queryies are more complex)
def get_config(app_name, email):

print(password_file.query(f'App == "{app_name}" & Email == "{email}"'))

# This function will print the list of objects or None (if nothing is found)

for reference you can check the query method of pandas library which also takes a string and works in the exact same way;
While the other one resembles the non-relational databases (such as MongoDb etc.)
def get_config(app_name, email):


"App": app_name,

'Email': email


# This function will print the list of objects or None (if nothing is found)

The update function takes 2 arguments: the first one is the query string, the second one the new row
def update_by_appname(app_name, new_email, new_username, new_password) -> None:

response = password_file.update(f'App == "{app_name}"', {

'App': app_name,

'Email': new_email,

'Username': new_username,

'Password': new_password



# This function will print true if the operation is completed succesfully

The delete function the query string as argument
def delete_by_appname(app_name) -> None:

response = password_file.delete(f'App == "{app_name}"')


# This function will print true if the operation is completed succesfully

Pydeas v1.0.2


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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