pydov 3.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pydov 3.1.0


pydov is a Python package to query and download data from Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV). It is hosted on GitHub and development is coordinated by Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV). DOV aggregates data about soil, subsoil and groundwater of Flanders and makes them publicly available. Interactive and human-readable extraction and querying of the data is provided by a web application, whereas the focus of this package is to support machine-based extraction and conversion of the data.
To get started, see the documentation at
Please note that downloading DOV data with pydov is governed by the same disclaimer that applies to the other DOV services. Be sure to consult it when using DOV data with pydov.
You can install pydov stable using pip:
pip install pydov

Or clone the git repository and install with python install to get the latest snapshot from the master branch.
To contribute to the code, make sure to install the package and all of the development dependencies enlisted in the
requirements_dev.txt file. First, clone the git repository.
We advice to use an Python development environment, for example with conda or
virtualenv. Activate the (conda/virtualenv) environment and
install the package in development mode:
pip install -e .[devs]

Need more detailed instructions? Check out the installation instructions and the development guidelines.
Quick start
Read the quick start from the docs or jump straight in:
from import BoringSearch
from pydov.util.location import Within, Box

from owslib.fes2 import PropertyIsGreaterThan

boringsearch = BoringSearch()

dataframe =
query=PropertyIsGreaterThan(propertyname='diepte_tot_m', literal='550'),
location=Within(Box(107500, 202000, 108500, 203000))

The resulting dataframe contains the information on boreholes (boringen) within the provided bounding box (as defined by the location argument)
with a depth larger than 550m:
>>> dataframe
pkey_boring boornummer x y mv_mtaw start_boring_mtaw gemeente diepte_boring_van diepte_boring_tot datum_aanvang uitvoerder boorgatmeting diepte_methode_van diepte_methode_tot boormethode
0 kb14d40e-B777 108015.0 202860.0 5.0 5.0 Gent 0.0 660.0 1989-01-25 onbekend False 0.0 660.0 onbekend
1 kb14d40e-B778 108090.0 202835.0 5.0 5.0 Gent 0.0 600.0 1972-05-17 onbekend False 0.0 600.0 onbekend

Full documentation of pydov can be found on our ReadTheDocs page.
You do not need to be a code expert to contribute to this project as there are several ways you can contribute to
this project. Have a look at the contributing page.

We welcome contributions including bug reports.
License: MIT
Citation information can be found on Zenodo.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Also note that downloading DOV data with pydov is governed by the same disclaimer that applies to the other DOV services. Be sure to consult it when using DOV data with pydov.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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