pyDSA-gui 1.5.4

Creator: railscoder56

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pyDSAgui 1.5.4

Drop shape analysis software.
PyDSA is a software for drop shape analysis.
It allows to measure the properties of droplets in contact with solids (contact angle, droplet volume, evaporation rate, displacement velocity, ...) through an intuitive interface.
PyDSA is developed in Python and use Qt5 for it graphical interface.
pip install pyDSA_gui
To update PyDSA, use:
pip install -U pyDSA_gui
Just start PyDSA from the terminal (or anaconda console) with:

Image scaling and pre-processing:

Droplet edge detection:

Droplet edge fitting:

Droplets properties evolution after full analysis:

PyDSA is designed to be simple and straightforward to use.
If you don't understand the effect of an option,
please refers to the inline documentation of pyDSA_core,
where all the features are documented in details.
Citing this software
If PyDSA have been usefull for you, please consider citing it:
Launay G. PyDSA: Drop shape analysis in Python, 2018-, [Online; accessed <today>].

bibtex entry:
author = {Gaby Launay},
title = {{PyDSA}: Drop shape analysis in {Python}},
year = {2018--},
url = "",
note = {[Online; accessed <today>]}

Issues and bugs
PyDSA is hosted on Framagit.
If PyDSA crashes or behaves abnormally, just send me an email at
Any of the followings will greatly help me fix the issue:

A description of the problem
The logs from the terminal
A test case to reproduce the problem


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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