pyfancytranslator 1.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pyfancytranslator 1.1.1

Fancy Translator

This library allow you to run setup a translator with ease. Just provide it the translations files and access them when ever you need them
Having an issue?
You can always find someone on our discord server here:

The official wiki of this library will be available at GitHub

How to install
To install just use following command
pip install PyFancyTranslator

This library will have dev/beta builds on the GitHub, to install them you can use
pip install --upgrade git+

from FancyTranslator import Translator

# All language files must be in .ini format and be placed in a folder to be accessed
translator = Translator("./translations/")

# To access a language with name "en.ini" just call the method below
language = translator.get('en')

# To get a translation for "MyKey" in section "MySection"
translation = language.translate("MySection", "MyKey")

# To use placeholder:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj

my_class = MyClass({"name": "Nested"})

# In file: "This is an example with a normal placeholder: %%value%%"
trans1 = translator.get('en').translate("Target", "trans1", value="My Value")
# returns "This is an example with a normal placeholder: My Value"

# In file: "This is an example with a nested placeholder:"
trans2 = translator.get('en').translate("Target", "trans2", nested=my_class)
# returns "This is an example with a nested placeholder: Nested"


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