pyfarm.agent 0.8.6

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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pyfarm.agent 0.8.6

Core module containing code to run PyFarm’s agent. This will allow a remote
host to:

Inform the master about itself
Request, receive and execute work via job types
Track and control individual processes
Measure and limit system resource usage

Python Version Support
This library supports Python 2.6 and Python 2.7 only for the moment. Coding
practices have been geared towards supporting Python 3 when the underlying
library, Twisted, is ported to Python 3.

The documentation for this this library is hosted on
Read The Docs.
It’s generated directly from this library using sphinx (setup may vary depending
on platform):
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install sphinx nose
pip install -e . --egg
make -C docs html

Tests are run on Travis for
every commit. They can also be run locally too using trial. Currently,
the agent tests require:

Access to for HTTP client testing. This is
configurable however and could be pointed to an internal domain
using the agent_unittest configuration variable.
The pyfarm.master module to run the API. So all the setup steps
that apply to the master will apply here as well. This includes the
requirement to run Redis, RabbitMQ or another backend that supports
Linux or OS X since the master is designed to operate on these
platforms. The below setup may work on Windows with a few configuration
tweaks too.

Newer tests are being designed to be lighter weight so eventually most of the
above may no longer be required for testing. For now however these are the
basic steps to run the tests and are based on the steps in .travis.yml:
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install pyfarm.master uwsgi mock
uwsgi resources/uwsgi.ini
pip install -e . --egg
trial tests # in a new shell with the same virtualenv


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