pyFiller 1.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pyFiller 1.0.2

A tool that literally takes up space!
When you need to fill some filesystem space with patterned or random data, pyFiller fulfills your space-filling needs
Run pyfiller --help for usage details
Common examples

Fill the specified (existing) folder with random data, up to the limit of the filesystem:
pyfiller --totalsize fill Y:\

Create 200MiB files with random data, to a maximum of 750.5MiB, with colorful output:
pyfiller --filesize 200MiB --totalsize 750.5MiB --colorful Y:\

Create one 42MiB file with patterned data with colorful output:
pyfiller --filesize 42MiB --totalsize 42MiB --pattern 0xA5FF00 --colorful Y:\
pyfiller --filesize 42MiB --totalsize 42MiB --pattern "J=8675309 " --colorful Y:\

Updating this package
Clone this repo
On a branch, make the required edits
Ensure you update the version number in pyfiller/
(pre-release? use rc notation, e.g., 1.0.42rc99)
Build and install the distributable wheel
rm -rf pyfiller-* dist build *.egg-info
python bdist_wheel sdist
ls -al dist
pip uninstall -y pyfiller
pip install dist/*.whl

Test the tools
The main tool is pyfiller
pyfiller --help

Test the uploaded artifacts
pip uninstall -y pyfiller
pip install pyfiller


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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