pygass 0.3.20

Creator: railscoder56

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pygass 0.3.20

#+TITLE: Python google analytics library* IntroductionThis library is a simple server side implementation of google analytics it is based on the documentation here. uses the requests library to send requests directly to google with out any javascript which may be blocked client side.* Installation#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results silentpip install pygass#+END_SRCThe code is also available at this location for bug fixes or to pull from master.* DevelopmentWhen testing its usefull to use the analytics hit builder to check the correct format.* Examples** Simple Page tracking eventThe below example sends a page view event to google, you will need to provide an anonymous client id and the page url as a minimum.#+NAME: Page tracking example#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import random import pprint import constants as st import pygass as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_pageview(client_id=123, page="/test/client/pageview"), width=1 )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Page tracking example#+BEGIN_SRC python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=123&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fclient%2Fpageview', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+END_SRCThe below example demonstrates how to track a transaction with analytics, you will need to send an anonymous client id with the requests.** Simple transaction tracking event#+NAME: Transaction tracking example#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import random import pprint import constants as st import pygass as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response transaction_id = random.randint(1, 10000000) an.track_transaction(client_id=1001, transaction_id=transaction_id) pprint.pprint( an.track_item( client_id=1001, transaction_id=transaction_id, name="Test Product 3" ), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Transaction tracking example#+BEGIN_SRC python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=item&ti=4801535&in=Test+Product+3&iq=1', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+END_SRC** Simple enhanced ecommerce impression#+NAME: Enhanced impression ecommerce#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import random import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response transaction_id = random.randint(1, 10000000) pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_impression( client_id=1001, product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", page="/test/client/pageview" ), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced impression ecommerce#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?il1pi1id=1001&il1pi1nm=Test+Product+3&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fclient%2Fpageview', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src** Simple enhanced ecommerce action#+NAME: Enhanced action ecommerce#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import random import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_action( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="view", product_id=1337, product_name="Test Product 3", product_action="detail", product_category= "Product Test Category", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced action ecommerce#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=detail&pr1id=1337&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&pr1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src** Simple enhanced ecommerce view product#+NAME: Enhanced ecommerce view product#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_impression( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="click", product_action="add", product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", product_category="Product Test Category", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRCv=1&t=pageview&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=555& Enhanced ecommerce view product#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?il1pi1id=1001&il1pi1nm=Test+Product+3&il1pi1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src** Simple enhanced ecommerce product add to basket#+NAME: Enhanced ecommerce product add to basket#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_add_to_basket( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="click", transaction_id=20, product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", product_category="Product Test Category", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced ecommerce product add to basket#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=add&pr1id=1001&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&pr1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage&ti=20', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src** Simple enhanced ecommerce product purchase checkout#+NAME: Enhanced ecommerce product checkout#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_checkout( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="click", transaction_id=20, product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", product_category="Product Test Category", product_action="purchase", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced ecommerce product checkout#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=add&pr1id=1001&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&pr1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage&ti=20', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src#+NAME: Enhanced ecommerce product add cart#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_add_to_cart( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="click", transaction_id=21, product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", product_category="Product Test Category", product_action="add", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced ecommerce product add cart#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=add&pr1id=1001&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&pr1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage&ti=21', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src** Simple enhanced ecommerce product purchase transaction#+NAME: Enhanced ecommerce product purchase#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output code :exports code import pprint import pygass.constants as st import pygass.enhanced_ecommerce as an # set your analytics code st.ANALYTICS_CODE = "UA-10000000-1" # use the test api for json responses st.ANALYTICS_URL = "" # show the response pprint.pprint( an.track_enhanced_ecommerce_purchase( client_id=1001, category="cat01", action="click", transaction_id=20, product_id=1001, product_name="Test Product 3", product_category="Product Test Category", product_action="purchase", affiliation= "Test Merchant", revenue= "0.0", page="/test/page"), width=1, )#+END_SRC#+RESULTS: Enhanced ecommerce product purchase#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=purchase&pr1id=1001&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&pr1ca=Product+Test+Category&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=pageview&dp=%2Ftest%2Fpage&ti=20&ta=Test+Merchant&tr=0.0', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src#+RESULTS:: None#+RESULTS: Enhanced ecommerce add to cart example#+begin_src python{'hitParsingResult': [{'hit': '/debug/collect?pa=add&pr1id=1001&pr1nm=Test+Product+3&v=1&tid=UA-10000000-1&cid=1001&t=event&ec=cat01&ea=click', 'parserMessage': [], 'valid': True}], 'parserMessage': [{'description': 'Found ' '1 ' 'hit ' 'in ' 'the ' 'request.', 'messageType': 'INFO'}]}#+end_src


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