pygbdx 0.0.3

Creator: railscoderz

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pygbdx 0.0.3

pygbdx: Simple CLI for GBDX

This is a simple cli to Digital Globe's GBDX platform, this was designed from the perspective of community user (the freely available tier). This platform allows you to access all of DG's Open data and also open Ikonos data along with Landsat and Sentinel datasets. You can create a notebook acccount here. I realized that the gbdx python libraries could be wrapped in a simple CLI and include additional features to serve as a functional CLI and this project is an attempt at doing that. The notebook setup offers additional tools, a GUI and interactive framework while CLI simplifies some of the operational needs of batch processing and performing calls using your own local machine.
Cite as
Samapriya Roy. (2018, October 4). samapriya/pygbdx: pygbdx: Simple CLI for GBDX (Version 0.0.2). Zenodo.

Table of contents

Getting started
pygbdx Simple CLI for GBDX

simple search
metadata export
footprint export

This assumes that you have native python & pip installed in your system, you can test this by going to the terminal (or windows command prompt) and trying
python and then pip list
If you get no errors and you have python 2.7.14 or higher you should be good to go. Please note that I have tested this only on python 2.7.15 but it should run on python 3.
This also needs gbdxtools to be installed on your system
It has been brought to my attention that installing shapely on windows is not simply pip install shapely so install Shapely separately and use instructions from their pypi project page for Windows installation Shapely is important requirement for the tool but since the installation varies based on the operating system install it using the earlier instructions anyways before the next steps. On other operating systems pip install shapely should work just fine.
To install pygbdx: Simple CLI for GBDX you can install using two methods
pip install pygbdx
or you can also try
git clone
cd pygbdx
python install

For linux use sudo.
Installation is an optional step; the application can be also run directly by executing script. The advantage of having it installed is being able to execute ppipe as any command line tool. I recommend installation within virtual environment. If you don't want to install, browse into the pygbdx folder and try python to get to the same result.
Getting started
As usual, to print help:
usage: [-h] {init,info,simple_search} ...


positional arguments:
init Initialize GBDX
info Prints account info for GBDX
simple_search Simple search to look for DG assets that intersect
your AOI handles KML/SHP/GEOJSON

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

To obtain help for a specific functionality, simply call it with help switch, e.g.: pygbdx simple_search -h. If you didn't install pygbdx, then you can run it just by going to pygbdx directory and running python [arguments go here]
pygbdx Simple CLI for Earth Engine Uploads
The tool is designed to act as simple CLI for gbdx using the gbdxtools and more functionality will be added as the project evolves over time. All tools are designed keeping in mind the free community edition only.
Just a simple tool to initalize and save config and access tokens.
usage: pygbdx init [-h]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

This prints info about your gbdx accounts, and prints information such as username,user id,account account id,id,role,client_id and account level.
usage: pygbdx info [-h]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

simple search
The script searches and summaries results for DG assets that intersect with your geometry or geometries depending on whether you pass a file or a folder. For now the script can handle GeoJSON, KML or Shapefile. It allows you to pass geometry but also startdate, enddate and limit for the number of items to look for.
usage: pygbdx simple_search [-h] [--local LOCAL] [--start START]
[--end END] [--limit LIMIT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--local LOCAL full path for folder or file with SHP/KML/GEOJSON
--start START start date YYYY-MM-DD
--end END end date YYYY-MM-DD
--limit LIMIT Limit the number of items to search

metadata export
This script allows you to use the same structure as the simple search but exports metadata for each item type or categories into individual JSON files that are written based on their imagery type. The script can handle GeoJSON, KML or Shapefile and exports the metadata as JSON files.
usage: metadata [-h] [--local LOCAL] [--start START] [--end END]
[--limit LIMIT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--local LOCAL full path for folder or file with SHP/KML/GEOJSON
--start START start date YYYY-MM-DD
--end END end date YYYY-MM-DD
--limit LIMIT Limit the number of items to search

footprint export
This features can be used to simple extract the imagery footprint from the JSON metadata we derived earlier and then converted into a GeoJSON files. Again both individual geometry as well as combined geometry as a single GeoJSON file.
usage: footprint [-h] [--local LOCAL] [--dirc DIRC]
[--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--local LOCAL full path for folder with metadata JSON files
--dirc DIRC directory to store individual geometries
--output OUTPUT path to combined footprint geometry geojson


Bug fixes
Minor improvements


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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