pygdal2tiles 0.1.9

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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pygdal2tiles 0.1.9


A python library for generating map tiles inspired by from GDAL project.


GDAL development header files, sometimes available as libgdal-dev or libgdal-devel packages.

To install gdal2tiles library you can use pip:
$ pip install gdal2tiles

Basic usage
import gdal2tiles

gdal2tiles.generate_tiles('/path/to/input_file', '/path/to/output_dir/')
You can also pass various keyword as optional keyword arguments to generate_tiles() function.
For example
gdal2tiles.generate_tiles('input_file', 'output_dir/', nb_processes=2, zoom='7-9')
options = {'zoom': (7, 9), 'resume': True}
gdal2tiles.generate_tiles('input_file', 'output_dir/', **options)
In general
gdal2tiles.generate_tiles(input_file, output_folder, **options)

input_file (str): Path to input file.
output_folder (str): Path to output folder.
options: Tile generation options.


profile (str): Tile cutting profile (mercator,geodetic,raster) - default
‘mercator’ (Google Maps compatible)

resampling (str): Resampling method (average,near,bilinear,cubic,cubicsp
line,lanczos,antialias) - default ‘average’

s_srs: The spatial reference system used for the source input data

zoom: Zoom levels to render; format: [int min, int max],
‘min-max’ or int/str zoomlevel.

resume (bool): Resume mode. Generate only missing files.
srcnodata: NODATA transparency value to assign to the input data

tmscompatible (bool): When using the geodetic profile, specifies the base
resolution as 0.703125 or 2 tiles at zoom level 0.

verbose (bool): Print status messages to stdout

kml (bool): Generate KML for Google Earth - default for ‘geodetic’
profile and ‘raster’ in EPSG:4326. For a dataset with
different projection use with caution!

url (str): URL address where the generated tiles are going to be published

webviewer (str): Web viewer to generate (all,google,openlayers,none) -
default ‘all’

title (str): Title of the map
copyright (str): Copyright for the map

googlekey (str): Google Maps API key from

bingkey (str): Bing Maps API key from
nb_processes: Number of processes to use for tiling.


0.1.0 (2018-05-06)

First release on PyPI.

0.1.1 (2018-05-10)

Clean the source code.
Setup documentation
Setup testing environment

0.1.2 (2018-05-16)

Bug fix in generate_tiles().

0.1.3 (2018-07-31)

Use billard for multiprocessing if available.

0.1.4 (2018-08-14)

Accept list or tuple in specifying tile generation zoom level.

0.1.5 (2018-08-14)

Bug fix.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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