pygrambank 2.1

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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pygrambank 2.1

Curation tools for Grambank data.

pygrambank can be installed from PyPI via
pip install pygrambank

or from a clone of [grambank/pygrambank]:
git clone ...
cd pygrambank
pip install -e .

You should install pygrambank in a virtual environment to make sure it does not mess with a system-wide Python installation.
Installing pygrambank will also install a command line program grambank. Data curation functionality is implemented as subcommands
of this program. To get information about available subcommands, run
grambank --help

More info on individual subcommands can be obtained running
grambank <SUBCOMMAND> -h

$ grambank describe -h
usage: grambank describe [-h] [--columns] SHEET

Describe a (set of) sheets.

This includes checking for correctness - i.e. the functionality of `grambank check`.
While references will be parsed, the corresponding sources will **not** be looked up
in Glottolog (since this is slow). Thus, for a final check of a sheet, you must run
`grambank sourcelookup`.

positional arguments:
SHEET Path of a specific TSV file to check or substring of a filename
(e.g. a glottocode)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--columns List columns of the sheet (default: False)

pygrambank also allows programmatic access to Grambank data from Python
programs. All functionality is mediated through a pygrambank.Grambank
>>> from pygrambank import Grambank
>>> gb = Grambank('.')
>>> gb.sheets_dir
>>> for sheet in gb.iter_sheets():
... print(sheet)
... break


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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