pyincore-viz 1.10.1

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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pyincoreviz 1.10.1

pyincore-viz is a component of IN-CORE that provides visualization and other utilities for use with pyincore.

Mac specific notes

We use matplotlib library to create graphs. There is a Mac specific installation issue addressed at here (1) and
here (2).
In a nutshell, insert line: backend : Agg into ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc file.

Installation with conda
Installing pyincore-viz with Conda is officially supported by IN-CORE development team.
To add conda-forge channel to your environment, run
conda config –-add channels conda-forge
To install pyincore-viz package, run
conda install -c in-core pyincore-viz
To update pyIncore-viz, run
conda update -c in-core pyincore-viz

Installation with pip
Installing pyincore-viz with pip is NOT supported by IN-CORE development team.
Please use pip for installing pyincore-viz at your discretion.
Installing pyincore-viz with pip is only tested on linux environment.

GDAL C library must be installed to install pyincore-viz. (for Ubuntu, gdal-bin and libgdal-dev)

To install pyincore-viz package, run
pip install pyincore-viz

Documentation Containter
To build the container with the documentation you can use:
docker build -t doc/pyincore-viz -f .
docker run -ti -p 8000:80 doc/pyincore-viz
Then check the documentation at http://localhost:8000/doc/pyincore_viz/.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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