pyiso8583 3.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pyiso8583 3.0.0

iso8583 package serializes and deserializes ISO8583 data between
raw bytes ISO8583 data and a regular Python dict.
iso8583 package supports custom specifications
that can define:

Field length and data encoding, such as BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, etc.
Field length count measured in bytes or nibbles.
Field type, such as fixed, LLVAR, LLLVAR, etc.
Maximum length
Optional field description

Multiple specifications can co-exist to support ISO8583 messages for POS, ATM,
file actions, and so on. Simply define a new specification dictionary. iso8583
package includes a starter specification in iso8583.specs module that can be
used as a base to create own custom/proprietary specifications.
Additional information is available on Read The Docs.

iso8583 is published on PyPI as pyiso8583 and can be installed from there:
pip install pyiso8583

Encoding & Decoding
Use iso8583.decode
to decode raw ISO8583 message.
It returns two dictionaries: one with decoded data and one with encoded data.
>>> import pprint
>>> import iso8583
>>> from iso8583.specs import default_ascii as spec
>>> encoded_raw = b'02004000000000000000101234567890'
>>> decoded, encoded = iso8583.decode(encoded_raw, spec)
>>> pprint.pp(decoded)
{'t': '0200', 'p': '4000000000000000', '2': '1234567890'}
>>> pprint.pp(encoded)
{'t': {'len': b'', 'data': b'0200'},
'p': {'len': b'', 'data': b'4000000000000000'},
'2': {'len': b'10', 'data': b'1234567890'}}
Modify the decoded message to send a response back.
Change message type from ‘0200’ to ‘0210’.
Remove field 2 (PAN). And add field 39 (Response Code).
>>> decoded['t'] = '0210'
>>> decoded.pop('2', None)
>>> decoded['39'] = '05'
Use iso8583.encode
to encode updated ISO8583 message.
It returns a raw ISO8583 message and a dictionary with encoded data.
>>> encoded_raw, encoded = iso8583.encode(decoded, spec)
>>> encoded_raw
>>> pprint.pp(decoded)
{'t': '0210', 'p': '0000000002000000', '39': '05'}
>>> pprint.pp(encoded)
{'t': {'len': b'', 'data': b'0210'},
'p': {'len': b'', 'data': b'0000000002000000'},
'39': {'len': b'', 'data': b'05'}}

Pretty Print Messages
Use iso8583.pp
to pretty print ISO8583 message.
>>> import iso8583
>>> from iso8583.specs import default_ascii as spec
>>> encoded_raw = b'02004000000000000000101234567890'
>>> decoded, encoded = iso8583.decode(encoded_raw, spec)
>>> iso8583.pp(decoded, spec)
t Message Type : '0200'
p Bitmap, Primary : '4000000000000000'
2 Primary Account Number (PAN) : '1234567890'
>>> iso8583.pp(encoded, spec)
t Message Type : b'0200'
p Bitmap, Primary : b'4000000000000000'
2 Primary Account Number (PAN) : b'10' b'1234567890'

iso8583 package is hosted on GitHub.
Feel free to fork and send contributions over.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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