py2jnb 0.0.5

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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py2jnb 0.0.5

Features after forking:

New token recognized for code cells, defined by #%%, used in Spyder and PyCharm scientific mode.

Original source repo readme follows...

PY2NB: Python To Notebook Converter
This is a small utility for turning python scripts into jupyter notebooks and
convert module-level multiline (triple quote) string literals into markdown
I wanted a tool to create user examples that can be executed as normal python
scripts so that they can be copy-and-pasted easily and can be rendered as
notebook for better readability (e.g nice styling, results embedded).

Notebooks are nice to look at but slow to write
Notebooks does not play well with version control

python install

To convert a python script into a notebook:
python -m py2nb output.ipynb

Additional commandline not from this package
Execute a notebook:
ipython nbconvert --to=notebook --execute input.ipynb

Convert a notebook to a HTML:
ipython nbconvert --to=html input.ipynb

See "samples" directory.
Uses python tokenize (builtin tokenizer library) for tokenization.
String literals with triple quote at column zero are converted into a comment
token with special <markdowncell> and <codecell> to feed into the python
importer in IPython version 3. The processed tokens are untokenized using the
tokenize module so that untouched line looks exactly the same as the input.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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