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pyltd2 1.0.1rc0
Client package for the download of Legion TD 2 game data.
numpy (>= 1.16.5)
pandas (>= 1.2.0)
tqdm (>= 4.64.0)
requests (>= 2.1.0)
pyltdq2 can be installed using pip with the following command:
pip install pyltd2
Data structure
The object stores the data into five separate objects, regarding separate information about each match:
The fighters the player built during each wave and their position(_id, playerId, wave, fighter, x, y, seq_num)
The actions (Placed/Sold/Upgraded) the player made during each wave (alternative to the previous one, makes the file smaller but requires re-building the data)(_id, playerId, wave, fighter, x, y, action, seq_num)
The fighters the player had(_id, playerId, fighter_1, fighter_2, ..., fighter_30)
The king's hp at the end of the wave(_id, wave, left_hp, right_hp)
The king's upgrades bought by each player during each wave(_id, playerId, wave, upgrade, seq_num)
The leaks a player had during each wave(_id, playerId, wave, unit, seq_num)
The match itself(_id, version, date, queueType, endingWave, gameLength, gameElo, playerCount, humanCount, kingSpell, side_won)
The mercenaries the player received or sent during a wave(_id, playerId, received, wave, mercenary, seq_num)
The party members of each match(_id, member_1, member_2, member_3, member_4, member_5, member_6, member_7, member_8)
The players of the match(_id, playerId, playerName, playerSlot, legion, workers, value, cross, overallElo, stayedUntilEnd, chosenSpell, partySize, legionSpecificElo, mvpScore, leekValue, leaksCaughtValue, leftAtSeconds)
The player's economy during each wave(_id, playerId, wave, workers, income, networth)
The spell upgrades available in the match(_id, choice_1, choice_2, choice_3)
The following example shows how to get the details of the next 50 matches, starting from the first match played (2018-08-03T15:39:00Z) and returning the data as a DataFrame object.
from pyltd2 import LTD2Fetcher
fetcher = LTD2Fetcher("your_api_token")
The object uses the getMatchesByFilter API command to fetch a maximum of 50 matches, starting from the date_after datetime provided.
To download data for the period of time between date_after-date_before and save them to a csv file, you can use the ExhaustiveFetcher object.
The following example downloads matches from 2018-08-03T15:39:00Z until 2019-12-25T22:03:40Z and saves the data to csv files inside the data folder.
from datetime import datetime
from pyltd2 import LTD2Fetcher, ExhaustiveFetcher
fetcher = LTD2Fetcher(
date_after=datetime(2018, 8, 3, 15, 39, 00),
date_before=datetime(2019, 12, 25, 22, 3, 40)
api2csv = ExhaustiveFetcher("./data", fetcher=fetcher)
You can get your own api token by registering here.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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