pyMRAW 0.32

Creator: railscoder56

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pyMRAW 0.32

pyMRAW is an open-source package, enabling the efficient use of the Photron MRAW video files in Python workflows.
It’s main feature is the use of memory-mapped (np.memmap) arrays to create memory maps to locally stored raw video files and avoid loading large amounts of data into RAM.

To take advantage of pyMRAW’s memory-mapping functionality, make sure to save MRAW files either in 8-bit or 16-bit formats, corresponding to standard data types uint8 and uint16! Using pyMRAW to read 12-bit MRAW files is possible, but requires loading the complete image data into RAM to produce standard Numpy arrays.

To load .mraw - .cihx files, simply use the pymraw.load_video function:
import pyMRAW
images, info = pyMRAW.load_video('data/beam.cihx')
For more info, please refer to the Showcase.ipynb notebook.
We developed this module while working on this publication:
J. Javh, J. Slavič and M. Boltežar: The Subpixel Resolution of Optical-Flow-Based Modal Analysis,
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 88, p. 89–99, 2017
Our recent research effort can be found here:
If you find our research useful, consider to cite us.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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