pymtheg 2.6.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pymtheg 2.6.0

A Python script to share songs from Spotify/YouTube as a 15 second clip.
Designed for use with Termux.
See the repository for more installation and
contribution instructions/information.

pymtheg requires Python 3.6.3 or later,
and ffmpeg.
usage: pymtheg [-h] [-cs CLIP_START] [-ce CLIP_END] [-i IMAGE] [-d DIR]
[-o OUT] [-sm] [-smd SAVE_MUSIC_DIR] [-nt]
[-ud] [-y]
queries [queries ...]

a python script to share songs from Spotify/YouTube as a 15 second clip

positional arguments:
queries song queries (see querying)

-h, --help show this help message and exit

clip options:
-cs CLIP_START, --clip-start CLIP_START
specify clip start (default 0)
-ce CLIP_END, --clip-end CLIP_END
specify clip end (default +15)
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
specify custom image

output options:
-d DIR, --dir DIR directory to output to, formattable (see formatting)
-o OUT, --out OUT output file name format, formattable (see formatting)
-sm, --save-music save downloaded music
-smd SAVE_MUSIC_DIR, --save-music-dir SAVE_MUSIC_DIR
directory for downloaded music, defaults to -d/--dir
-nt, --no-timestamp switch to exclude timestamps from output clip paths
timestamp format, formattable (see formatting)
-e EXT, --ext EXT file extension, defaults to "mp4"

tool options:
-sda SDARGS, --sdargs SDARGS
args to pass to spotdl
-ffa FFARGS, --ffargs FFARGS
args to pass to ffmpeg for clip creation

pymtheg options:
-ud, --use-defaults use --clip-start as clip start and --clip-length as clip end
-y, --yes say yes to every y/n prompt

queries must be any one of the following:
1. text
e.g. "thundercat - them changes"
2. spotify track/album url
e.g. ""
3. youtube source + spotify metadata
"<youtube url>|<spotify url>"
e.g. "|"
4. a path
e.g. "06 VERTIGO.flac"

argument defaults:
-f, --ffargs:
"-hide_banner -loglevel error -c:a aac -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -tune stillimage -vf scale='iw+mod(iw,2):ih+mod(ih,2):flags=neighbor'"
-o, --out:
"{artists} - {title}"
-t, --timestamp-format:
" ({cs}{cer})"

available placeholders:
from spotdl:
{artist}, {artists}, {title}, {album}, {playlist}
from pymtheg:
clip end as per [(h*)mm]ss
e.g. 10648 (1h, 06m, 48s)
clip end in seconds
e.g. 4008 (1h, 6m, 48s -> 4008s)
clip end as per [(h*)mm]ss, e.g. 10703 (1h, 07m, 03s)
clip end in seconds
e.g. 4023 (1h, 07m, 03s -> 4023s)
clip end relative to clip start, prefixed with +
e.g. +15

1. pymtheg placeholders can only be used with `-tf, --timestamp-format`
2. "[(h*)mm]ss": seconds and minutes will always be represented as 2
digits and will be right adjusted with 0s if needed, unless they are
the first shown unit where they _may_ have up to two characters.
hours can be represented by any number of characters.
e.g. "138:02:09", "1:59:08", "2:05", "6"

1. get a song through a spotify link
pymtheg ""
2. get a song through a search query
pymtheg "thundercat - them changes"
3. get multiple songs through multiple queries
pymtheg "" "<query 2>"
4. get a random 15s clip of a song
pymtheg "<query>" -cs "*" -ce "+15" -ud

note: see querying for more information on queries

pymtheg is unlicensed with The Unlicense. In short, do whatever. You can find copies of
the license in the
UNLICENSE file or in the
pymtheg module docstring.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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