pyNLLoc 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pyNLLoc 1.0.0

Python module for running NonLinLoc, including on a cluster, as well as providing utilities for converting location scatter files into angle distributions.
Code by David J Pugh

This is a Python module for running NonLinLoc, including on a cluster, as well as providing utilities for converting location scatter files into angle distributions. The angle conversion utilities, Scat2Angle and XYZ2Angle require the C++ program, GetNLLOCScatterAngles to be compiled.

This module provides
pyNLLoc - Rrunning NLLoc using python
Scat2Angle - Convert location scatter distribution to angle distribution
XYZ2Angle - Calculates the angles for given x, y, z coordinates

Compiling GetNLLOCScatterAngles
GetNLLOCScatterAngles is compiled from source, either using the makefile or the script
This compiles the GetAngles.cpp file, which is dependent on some NonLinLoc files, these are included in the
folder NLLoc_code, but it is equally possible to use another NLLoc source directory by setting the
NLLOC_PATH in the makefile (or script). It is recommended to use the latest NLLoc source code, but it is
important to note that as of 17/12/2015 Version 6.00 has a bug in GridLib.c related to angle interpolation,
so a fixed versin of GridLib.c is provided in the pyNLLoc distribution. This is fixed as of 20130823 in beta version, but may not be fixed in the latest release.


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