pynobo 1.8.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pynobo 1.8.1

Nobø Hub / Nobø Energy Control TCP/IP Interface
This system/service/software is not officially supported or endorsed by Glen Dimplex Nordic AS, and the authors/maintainer(s) are not official partner of Glen Dimplex Nordic AS
The API (v1.1) for Nobø Hub can be found here
Quick Start
import asyncio
from pynobo import nobo

async def main():
# Either call using the three last digits in the hub serial
hub = nobo('123', synchronous=False)
# or full serial and IP if you do not want to discover on UDP:
hub = nobo('123123123123', ip='', discover=False, synchronous=False)

# Connect to the hub and get initial data
await hub.connect()

# Inspect what you get
def update(hub):

# Read the initial data

# Listen for data updates - register before calling hub.start() to avoid race condition

# Start the background tasks for reading responses and keep connction alive
# This will connect to the hub if necessary
await hub.start()

# Hang around and wait for data updates
await asyncio.sleep(60)

# Stop the connection
await hub.stop()

Available functionality

nobo class - When called it will initialize logger and dictionaries, connect to hub and start daemon thread.
nobo.API class - All the commands and responses from API v1.1, Some with sensible names, others not yet given better names.
nobo.DiscoveryProtocol - An asyncio.DatagramProtocol used to discover Nobø Ecohubs on the local network.

Discover and test connection
It is possible to discover hubs on the local network, and also test connectivity, before starting the background tasks.
# Discover all hubs on local network
hubs = await nobo.async_discover_hubs()

# Test connection to the first
(ip, serial) = hubs.pop()
hub = nobo(serial + '123', ip=ip, discover=False, synchronous=False)
await hub.connect()

# Then start the background tasks
await hub.start()

# Or just close the connection right away
await hub.close()

Background Tasks
Calling start() will first try to discover the Nobø Ecohub on the local network, unless discover is set to False,
which required IP address and full serial (12 digits). If an IP address is provided, or the hub is discovered, it
will attempt to connect to it, and if successful, start the following tasks:

keep_alive - Send a periodic keep alive message to the hub
socket_receive - Handle incoming messages from the hub

If the connection is lost, it will attempt to reconnect.
Command Functions
These functions send commands to the hub.

async_send_command - Send a list of command string(s) to the hub
async_create_override - Override hub/zones/components
async_update_zone - Update the name, week profile, temperature or override allowing for a zone.
async_add_week_profile - Create a week profile
async_update_week_profile - Update a week profile
async_remove_week_profile - Remove a week profile

Dictionary helper functions
These functions simplify getting the data you want from the dictionaries. They do
not perform any I/O, and can safely be called from the event loop.

get_week_profile_status - Get the status of a week profile at a certain time in the week
get_current_zone_mode - Get the mode of a zone at a certain time
get_current_component_temperature - Get the current temperature from a component
get_current_zone_temperature - Get the current temperature from (the first component in) a zone
get_zone_override_mode - Get the override mode for the zone

Backwards compatibility
Synchronous wrapper methods are available for compatibility with v1.1.2, but it is recommended to
switch to the async methods by initializing the hub with synchronous=False. Otherwise, initializing
will start the async event loop in a daemon thread, discover and connect to hub before returning as before.
import time
from pynobo import nobo

def main():
# Either call using the three last digits in the hub serial
hub = nobo('123')
# or full serial and IP if you do not want to discover on UDP:
hub = nobo('123123123123', '', False)

# Inspect what you get
def update(hub):

# Listen for data updates - register before getting initial data to avoid race condition

# Get initial data

# Hang around and wait for data updates



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