PyOTA-CCurl 1.0.9

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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PyOTACCurl 1.0.9

This is an extension for the crypto functionality in PyOTA, the Python API
for IOTA. When installed, it will significantly boost the performance of
PyOTA’s crypto functionality.
This extension is installed as an add-on to the pyota package:
pip install pyota[ccurl]
After running the above command, you can verify that the C extension is
installed correctly by running the check_ccurl command in your shell:
> check_ccurl
😸 CCurl is installed correctly!
For support, visit the #iota-libs-pyota channel on the IOTA Slack.

This extension is compatible with Python 3.6, 3.5 and 2.7.

The easiest way to test the extension is to install it and then run the PyOTA unit tests.
Here’s a modified tox.ini file that for PyOTA that will install the C extension before running unit tests:
envlist = py27, py35, py36

commands =
pip install --pre pyota-ccurl
deps =
Note that this file needs to be installed in the PyOTA codebase!


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