pypestutils 0.2.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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pypestutils 0.2.1

Suite of Python tools based on PEST utilities to support parameterization with pilot points, drawing stochastic realizations, and MODFLOW post-processing for structured and unstructured grids. This package consists of a (pre-)compiled shared fortran library, and a corresponding low-level python wrapper around the library functions. There are also higher-level "helper" functions to further abstract the granular low-level function calls for common workflow elements.
The low-level functions are relatively strict in their argument types - this is required to effectively pass the array-type data container references to the fortran library. As such, the low-level python functions perform considerable type checking. The higher-level helpers attempt to support a variety of argument types and will attempt coerce to the required type.
This package is currently in pre-alpha development, and is not suitable for use, but early adopters are welcome to have a go.
There are several jupyter notebook examples of using pypestutils for a structured and quadtree Freyberg model. These notebooks rely on both flopy and pyEMU to help with visualization and processing.
The use the low-level python interface to the shared fortran library, you create a PESTUTILSLIB instance and then can directly call the shared library routines:
from pypestutils.pestutilslib import PestUtilsLib
lib = PestUtilsLib() #the constructor searches for the shared lib
grid_info = lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file("grid","freyberg6.disv.grb")
easting,northing,elev = lib.get_cell_centres_mf6("grid",grid_info["ncells"])

The higher-level helper functions obsecure the calls the fortran library and string together multiple low-level function calls:
import pypestutils.helpers as helpers
grid_info = helpers.get_grid_info_from_file("freyberg6.disv.grb")

The documentation for pypestutils can be found here
The documentation for the shared FORTRAN library can be found here
pypestutils requires numpy and pandas
Easy way
Use pip to install a built distribution for Windows, Linux or macOS:
pip install pypestutils

to also include optional requirements use:
pip install pypestutils[optional]

From source
Installation from source requires a Fortran compiler and build tools. See for details.
This software is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is
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