pypyr-scheduler-server 2.0.7

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pypyrschedulerserver 2.0.7

Schedule pypyr pipelines with apscheduler and control them via REST. The API interface is provided by connexion.

Documentation status
This documentation is in a very early stage and many things could be missing or wrong. Please rely on the code for now.
Make a new venv, activate it, clone the repo, run pip install. No pypi release yet.
We recommend using pipenv, which makes it easy to run commands inside a virtual env without the need to create or activate it:
pip install --user pipenv # only needed once per python install
pipenv install
pipenv run server

pypyr-scheduler needs a shared secret between the server and the client.
It reads it from the environment variable PYRSCHED_SECRET.
If the server does not see a secret it generates it and writes it to its
logfile for later use. If there is a secret set in the environment, it is used.
A client needs the same shared secret.
Development / Testing
Run pipenv run server. Now you can connect to the server with a suitable client.
Currently available are pypyr-scheduler-cli and pypyr-scheduler-rpc-client with the first one depending on the latter.
Production deployment
Detailed documentaion is available on ReadTheDocs.
It is generated from the docs/source folder in this repository. Feel free to send a PR is you find any typos.
Run tests with pipen run tests.
Quick links

Related projects
pypyr is the workhorse underlying pypyr-scheduler.
It runs pipelines defines as .yaml file and has many different pipeline steps included.
Check it out, if you need a simple task automation for one-shot execution.
Flask-APScheduler provides
a similar way to run job within flask as server. It even provides a REST-API. Try this
if you don't need the functionality of pypyr.


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