PyQuickstep 1.0.6

Creator: railscoder56

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PyQuickstep 1.0.6

# PyQuickstep
The Quickstep Python API was designed and developed based on the guidelines from [Python Database API Specification]( The API is used as a access layer for [Quickstep DBMS]( The API contains the following modules:

Connection – An instance of connection supports two methods.

close() – closes the connection between API and Quickstep instance.
cursor() – Gives a cursor instance to interact with Quickstep database instance.

Cursor – An instance of cursor is used to manage the context of operations to the Quickstep database.

close() – Closes the cursor and will be not usable after this.
execute() – Executes the given query and returns result after formatting to tuples.
fetchone() – fetches one row and moves the cursor to next row.
fetchmany() – fetches mentioned number of rows and moves the cursor to next row if available.
fetchall() – fetches all the rows and moves the cursor to the end.

Error – Defines the different types of errors and warnings that API can produce.
QuickstepResult – Parses the query result into tuples.
GPRC files – Generated files to establish connection with the Quickstep database.

## Installation:
PyQuickstep is uploaded to PyPI.
It can be installed with the following command:
$python2 -m pip install pyquickstep
## Example:
The following example makes use of simple table. Create the table in Quickstep database.
` CREATE TABLE Weather (cid INTEGER, recordDate DATE, highTemperature FLOAT, lowTemperature FLOAT); INSERT INTO Weather VALUES (1, '2015-11-1', 50, 30); INSERT INTO Weather VALUES (1, '2015-11-2', 51, 32); INSERT INTO Weather VALUES (2, '2015-11-1', 60, 50); `
` import pyquickstep conn = pyquickstep.Connect('localhost', '3000') cursor = conn.cursor() result = cursor.execute("select * from weather") print cursor.fetchone() print cursor.fetchmany() print cursor.fetchall() `
This example will print:
` ('1', '2015-11-01', '50', '30') (('1', '2015-11-02', '51', '32'),) (('2', '2015-11-01', '60', '50'),) `
## License
PyQuickstep is licensed under GNU GPLv3. Please see LICENSE


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