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pyrogram1 0.1.0
This is a fork of Pyrogram v1 (Last: v1.4.16) which installs the library with name pyrogram1 so that you can use both major versions at the same time.
Install this only if you need both version. If you only need major version 1, use pip install pyrogram==1.*.
Please install this before the latest pyrogram version so that dependencies, if conflicting, can be overwritten.
This isn't exactly the right way, but it is the only way. Also, dependencies may (and will in the future) create a problem!
pip install pyrogram1
Just change pyrogram to pyrogram1 in your imports. For example:
from pyrogram1 import Client
If you are using both clients in same file:
from pyrogram1 import Client as Client1
Original Author - Dan
Original Repository - pyrogram
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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