pyros-api 0.1.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pyrosapi 0.1.3

A simplified routerOS api in python!
Thanks to Social WiFi for their incredible RouterOS-api

pyros-api is a simple python api for MikroTik RouterOS extended from RouterOS-api.
pyros-api on PyPi
Why Another API?
Well, I find the routeros-api by socialwifi (no offense, their api is great!) is complicated unless you are well familiar with routerOS.
Though I was somewhat familiar with routerOS I still needed to often search on google and play with winbox/cli to do a simple stuff.
And the most embarrassing part is I used to often forget what I did to achieve something let's say a day ago If I deleted or needed to implement the same logic with a bit of twist.
That's where this api comes in. There's not many functions are simplified so far but I will be working on this and will update with more simplified api. Any contribution is welcome.

import pyros_api

connection = pyros_api.RosCall('Mikrotik IP', username='admin', password='')

Connect Options


host - String - Hostname or IP of device

Optional Parameters:

username - String - Login username - Default 'admin'
password - String - Login password - Default empty string
port - Integer - TCP Port for API - Default 8728 or 8729 when using SSL
plaintext_login - Boolean - Try plaintext login (for RouterOS 6.43 onwards) - Default False
use_ssl - Boolean - Use SSL or not? - Default False
ssl_verify - Boolean - Verify the SSL certificate? - Default True
ssl_verify_hostname - Boolean - Verify the SSL certificate hostname matches? - Default True
ssl_context - Object - Pass in a custom SSL context object. Overrides other options. - Default None

Using SSL
If we want to use SSL, we can simply specify use_ssl as True:
connection = pyros_api.RosCall('<IP>', username='admin', password='', use_ssl=True)

This will automatically verify SSL certificate and hostname.
The most flexible way to modify SSL parameters is to provide an SSL Context object using the
ssl_context parameter, but for typical use-cases with self-signed certificates, the shorthand options of
ssl_verify and ssl_verify_hostname are provided.
e.g. if using a self-signed certificate, you can (but probably shouldn't) use:
connection = pyros_api.RosCall(

Login for RouterOS v6.43 onwards
RouterOS Versions v6.43 onwards now use a different login method.
The disadvantage is that it passes the password in plain text.
For security we only attempt the plaintext login if requested using the plaintext_login parameter.
It is highly recommended only to use this option with SSL enabled.
pyros_api.RosCall(host, username='admin', password='', plaintext_login=True)

Execute Commands
After successfully connecting with routerOS you can call all the available functions.
x = connection.get_ppp_secret()
print(x) # print list of all ppp secrets from routerOS

# changes password of given ppp secret. e.g.: secret = 'abc1 & password = '1234'
x = connection.update_secret_password(secret, password)

Create New PPP Secret
secret = {
'c_ident': '',
'p_pw': '',
'profile': 'default',
'service_type': 'pppoe',
'comment': '',
'has_suspended': False

Secret Dictionary Key-Value Pair:

c_ident - String - PPP secret name (e.g: abc1) - Default empty string

Optional Keys:

p_pw - String - PPP secret password - Default empty string
profile - String - PPP secret profile - Default 'default' profile
service_type - String - PPP secret service type (e.g: pptp/any/pppe) - Default pppoe
comment - String - PPP secret comment - Default empty string
has_suspended - Boolean - PPP secret state after creation (e.g: if True then after creating the secret the ppp secret will be disabled) - Default False

secret = {
'c_ident': 'abc5',
'p_pw': '1234',
'profile': 'default',
'service_type': 'pppoe',
'comment': 'This is a dummy comment!',
'has_suspended': False
connection.add_ppp_secret(secret) # returns True if successfully created

Close conection:

socialWifi's routerOS-api API's
Everything from the routerOS-api by socialWifi is also available by invoking the given function.
api = connection.ros_api_raw()

Now we can access all the functions from the routerOS-api by socialWifi.
api = connection.ros_api_raw()
list_ppp = api.get_resource('/ppp/secret')
print(list_ppp.get()) # prints all ppp secrets

To learn more about how to access API's from RouterOS-api by Social WiFi please visit their repository.
Any contribution is welcome! Thanks.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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