pysftpserver 1.4.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pysftpserver 1.4.0

#pysftpserverAn OpenSSH SFTP wrapper written in Python.##Features* Possibility to [automatically jail users](#authorized_keys_magic) in a virtual chroot environment as soon as they login.* Possibility to [automatically forward SFTP requests to another server](#usage).* Compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.* Fully extensible and customizable (examples below).* Totally conforms to the [SFTP RFC]( install pysftpserver with pip:```bashYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode pip install pysftpserver[pysftpproxy]```Otherwise, you could always clone this repository and manually launch ``:```bashgitclone cd pysftpserverYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modePATH` after the installation, so you can simply launch them by using the appropriate command line executable / arguments:```pysftpjail−husage:pysftpjail[−h][−−logfileLOGFILE][−−umaskUMASK]chrootAnOpenSSHSFTPserverwrapperthatjailstheuserinachrootdirectory.positionalarguments:chrootthepathofthechrootjailoptionalarguments:−h,−−helpshowthishelpmessageandexit−−logfileLOGFILE,−lLOGFILEpathtothelogfile−−umaskUMASK,−uUMASKsettheumaskoftheSFTPserver‘‘‘‘‘‘ pysftpproxy -husage: pysftpproxy [-h] [-l LOGFILE] [-k private-key-path] [-p PORT] [-a] [-c ssh config path] [-n known_hosts path] [-d] user[:password]@hostnameAn OpenSSH SFTP server proxy that forwards each request to a remote server.positional arguments: user[:password]@hostname the ssh-url ([user[:password]@]hostname) of the remote server. The hostname can be specified as a ssh_config's hostname too. Every missing information will be gathered from thereoptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE path to the logfile -k private-key-path, --key private-key-path private key identity path (defaults to ~/.ssh/id_rsa) -p PORT, --port PORT SSH remote port (defaults to 22) -a, --ssh-agent enable ssh-agent support -c ssh config path, --ssh-config ssh config path path to the ssh-configuration file (default to ~/.ssh/config) -n known_hosts path, --known-hosts known_hosts path path to the openSSH known_hosts file -d, --disable-known-hosts disable known_hosts fingerprint checking (security warning!)```###authorized_keys magicWith `pysftpjail` you can jail any user in the virtual chroot as soon as she connects to the SFTP server.You can do it by simply prepending the `pysftpjail` command to the user entry in your SSH `authorized_keys` file, e.g.:```command="pysftpjail path_to_your_jail" ssh-rsa AAAAB3[... and so on]```Probably, you'll want to add the following options too:```no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding```Achieving as final result:```command="pysftpjail path_to_your_jail",no-port-forwarding,no-x11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3[... and so on]```Obviusly, you could do the same with `pysftpproxy`.##CustomizationWe provide two complete examples of SFTP storage: simple and jailed.Anyway, you can subclass our [generic abstract storage](pysftpserver/ and you can adapt it to your needs.Any contribution is welcomed, as always. :+1:###Real world customization: MongoDB / GridFS storage[MongoDB]( is an open, NOSQL, document database.[GridFS]( is a specification for storing and retrieving arbitrary files in a MongoDB database.The following example will show how to build a storage that handles files in a MongoDB / GridFS database.####Preliminary requirementsI assume you already have a MongoDB database running somewhere and you are using a [`virtualenv`]('s install the MongoDB Python driver, `pymongo`, with:```bashpipinstallpymongo‘‘‘Nowclonethisproject′srepositoryandinstallthebasepackageindevelopmentmode.‘‘‘bash git clone python develop```*Info for those who are asking:* development mode will let us modify the source of the packages and use it globally without needing to reinstall it.Now you're ready to create the storage.####New storage classLet's create a new storage (save it as `pysftpserver/`) that subclasses the [abstract storage](pysftpserver/ class.```python"""MongoDB GridFS SFTP storage."""from pysftpserver.abstractstorage import SFTPAbstractServerStoragefrom pysftpserver.pysftpexceptions import SFTPNotFoundimport pymongoimport gridfsclass SFTPServerMongoStorage(SFTPAbstractServerStorage): """MongoDB GridFS SFTP storage class.""" def __init__(self, home, remote, port, db_name): """Home sweet home. NOTE: you should set your home to something reasonable. Instruct the client to connect to your MongoDB. """ self.home = "/" client = pymongo.MongoClient(remote, port) db = client[db_name] self.gridfs = gridfs.GridFS(db) def open(self, filename, flags, mode): """Return the file handle.""" filename = filename.decode() # needed in Python 3 if self.gridfs.exists(filename=filename): return self.gridfs.find({'filename': filename})[0] raise SFTPNotFound def read(self, handle, off, size): """Read size from the handle. Offset is ignored.""" return def close(self, handle): """Close the file handle.""" handle.close() """ Warning: this implementation is incomplete, many required methods are missing. """```As you can see, it's all pretty straight-forward.In the `init` method, we initialize the MongoDB client, select the database to use and then we initialize GridFS.Then, in the `open` method, we check if the file exists and return it's handler; in the `read` and `close` methods we simply forward the calls to the GridFS.####Testing the new storageI strongly encourage you to test your newly created storage. Here's an example (save it as `pysftpserver/tests/`):```pythonimport unittestimport osfrom shutil import rmtreeimport pymongoimport gridfsfrom pysftpserver.server import *from pysftpserver.mongostorage import SFTPServerMongoStoragefrom pysftpserver.tests.utils import *"""To run this tests you must have an instance of MongoDB running somewhere."""REMOTE = "localhost"PORT = 1727DB_NAME = "mydb"class Test(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): client = pymongo.MongoClient(REMOTE, PORT) db = client[DB_NAME] cls.gridfs = gridfs.GridFS(db) def setUp(self): os.chdir(t_path()) self.home = 'home' if not os.path.isdir(self.home): os.mkdir(self.home) self.server = SFTPServer( SFTPServerMongoStorage(REMOTE, PORT, DB_NAME), logfile=t_path('log'), raise_on_error=True ) def tearDown(self): os.chdir(t_path()) rmtree(self.home) def test_read(self): s = b"This is a test file." f_name = "test" # put expects a non byte string! b_f_name = b"test" f = self.gridfs.put(s, filename=f_name) self.server.input_queue = sftpcmd( SSH2_FXP_OPEN, sftpstring(b_f_name), sftpint(SSH2_FXF_CREAT), sftpint(0) ) self.server.process() handle = get_sftphandle(self.server.output_queue) self.server.output_queue = b'' # reset the output queue self.server.input_queue = sftpcmd( SSH2_FXP_READ, sftpstring(handle), sftpint64(0), sftpint(len(s)), ) self.server.process() data = get_sftpdata(self.server.output_queue) self.assertEqual(s, data) self.server.output_queue = b'' # reset output queue self.server.input_queue = sftpcmd( SSH2_FXP_CLOSE, sftpstring(handle) ) self.server.process() # Cleanup! self.gridfs.delete(f) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): os.unlink(t_path("log")) # comment me to see the log! rmtree(t_path("home"), ignore_errors=True)```####Final resultsFinally, you can create a binary to comfortably launch the server using the created storage.Save it as `bin/pysftpmongo`.```python#!/usr/bin/env python"""pysftpmongo executable."""import argparsefrom pysftpserver.server import SFTPServerfrom pysftpserver.mongostorage import SFTPServerMongoStoragedef main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='An OpenSSH SFTP server wrapper that uses a MongoDB/GridFS storage.' ) parser.add_argument('remote', type=str, help='the remote address of the MongoDB instance') parser.add_argument('port', type=int, help='the remote port of the MongoDB instance') parser.add_argument('db_name', type=str, help='the name of the DB to use') parser.add_argument('--logfile', '-l', dest='logfile', help='path to the logfile') args = parser.parse_args() SFTPServer( storage=SFTPServerMongoStorage( args.remote, args.port, args.db_name ), logfile=args.logfile ).run()if __name__ == '__main__': main()```Now, `chmod` the binary and check that it starts without a hitch:```bashchmod+xbin/pysftpmongo bin/pysftpmongo "localhost" 1727 "mydb"```Finally, you should edit the `` `scripts` field to include your new binary. Now, running `python install` will put it somewhere in your `You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode nosetests$ python test # alternatively```


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