pysolr-tornado 4.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pysolrtornado 4.0.1

``pysolr-tornado`` is a Python library providing access to [Apache Solr]( Tornado coroutines... image:: :target: :alt: Build Status.. image:: :target: :alt: Code IssuesThis project is a fork of `pysolr`, hosted on GitHub at Weoffer a few minor improvements over `pysolr`, but we attempt to keep the APIs identical. However,it is impossible to offer a compatible API because Tornado coroutines are coroutines, and musttherefore be used with Python's `yield` keyword.If you are trying to decide between `pysolr` and `pysolr-tornado`, we recommend `pysolr` unless youare already sure that you want to use Tornado.Versions--------With ``pysolr-tornado`` 4.0, the version numbers no longer correspond meaningfully to upstreamversions. We made the decision to jump to a new major release because of the refactoring of the:class:`Results` class, which we view as backward incompatible. We sympathize with the upstream'sdecision to release this as a point release, because it is such a minor change in most situations,but it broke our client application and it may break yours too.


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