pyssc 0.0.2.dev7

Creator: codyrutscher

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pyssc 0.0.2.dev7

A Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol (SSC) Client Implementation for Python
The Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol is a specific adaption of Open Sound Control. Pyssc is a simple client implementation that allows users to discover SSC Devices in their networks and subsequently communicate with those Devices via SSC.
Pyssc is published to
pip install pyssc

Initially you will have to find out the IP Addresses of your SSC Devices. If you don't know them you can try and find them using zeroconf.
import pyssc as ssc
found_setup = ssc.scan()

When you know all the IPs you can store the setup as a JSON file.

Here's an example setup JSON:
"Device 1": "fe80::2a36:38ff:fe60:7515",
"Device 2": "fe80::2a36:38ff:fe60:784f",

Once you have defined your setups as a JSON you don't need to scan anymore. Simply import your setup at the beginning of your session.
found_setup = ssc.Ssc_device_setup().from_json('setup.json')

Now you can send and receive SSC either to and from a single device
device_1 = found_setup.ssc_devices[0]
ssc_transaction = device_1.send_ssc('{"audio":{"out":{"mute":true}}}')

or the whole setup.

To find out which commands work for your specific SSC Device please refer to the SSC Documentation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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